<p>i decided i might want to go to West Point, but i dont have the strongest academic qualities and im only decently physically fit(room for improvement though! i'll try my hardest)</p>
<p>anyway, I'm expecting on getting to Eagle Scout, is that a big winner for West Point?</p>
<p>here are my other stats:
correctable vision w/ glasses (yeah i know, but its a req there!)
3.6 gpa (2 honors courses, no APs)
SAT: 2100
ACT: 32
Extracurricular: Eagle Scout, +150 service hours</p>
<p>hmm, not enough?</p>
<p>any thoughts on my chances to West Point? thx very much</p>
<p>PS does height play any role in being in West Point? I'm 5'8 which i think is a lil short for Military Academy, is it?</p>
<p>Dude, you are being way to negative, you don’t have to be the perfect candidate to get in. You have the SAT scores, great job by the way. Your GPA looks good, and obviously you have extra curriculars with boy scouts, just do good on the CFA and you have a great shot of getting in. What class are you applying for if you dont mind me asking?</p>
<p>5’8" is no limitation.<br>
My son is an eagle scout and is now a Cow (Junior).<br>
The biggest gap he had to fill, and you also maybe is sports. It is a big thing for them. IF you are a Sr it is frankly almost too late (if not already too late) to apply. IF you are a junior, I woudl encourage you to find some way to get involved in a sport, prefeeably at school but if not an individual event … </p>
<p>Eagle scout counts for a lot, but is certainly not a ‘sure thing’ … in addition, look for ways to show leadeership in other scoutign activities (traing SPL, etc)</p>
<p>If you are a senior apply, even if you think it is too late. For admissions it isn’t too late until the admissions deadline in February. That said, the longer you wait the more your chances diminish. Admissions is always looking for highly qualified candidates.</p>
<p>I am curious that you mention your academic qualities as not being the strongest - tell us how physcially fit you are.
Athletics is huge and the absence of it needs to be offset by other exceptional qualities. What can’t be forgiven is a lack of physical fitness. The CFA needs to be passed but West Point and beast are very physically demanding.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about being 5’8" - that could be the average height of male cadets.</p>
<p>It might be too late for you to get in next year, but there is the year after that, and the year after that. Don’t forget that almost one third of any given class is on their 2nd or subsequent attempt to get in, some are prior enlisted, some are even combat veterans, so not everyone is straight out of high school. It’s never too late until you’re 23.</p>
<p>they would like to see more rigor in your courses, even if you gpa drops a little. they want to know that you challenge yourself. the way they might view your file: “wow this kid has really really good SAT/ACT scores, but he only took two honors courses? he obviously didnt push himself to what he’s really capable of.” thats just me, i might be wrong. hope you make it</p>
<p>“wow this kid has really really good SAT/ACT scores, but he only took two honors courses? he obviously didn’t push himself to what he’s really capable of.”</p>
<p>Yes - this can be the inference unless the school does not offer many AP or honors courses. USMA will consider what courses candidates have taken relative to what is available to them.</p>
<p>Those stats are solid, especially the SAT and ACT scores, you’ll find that a lot of the so called “4.0+” kids here had less than that reflected on their scores and the ACT and SAT scores are the great equalizer. All the “PTA mom and dad” and teacher arm twisting, will not make up a CPT. Truth be told, go look at the Class of 2012 stats, no where near that range lol</p>
<p>The whole person concept is critical here too and you sound like your qualities are right up there. If you’re a Junior this year, pick up a sport this spring and try your hardest! That would be my only suggestion other than the obligatory obvious “continue to achieve good grades”</p>