Early Acceptance- No FA

<p>Hey guys. As the tile says, I recently got accepted to one of my top choice schools, but they can offer no FA (that's why they called before the 10th). I really don't want to let this school go seeing as so few get admitted into the 10th grade, but I don't want to put my parents into poverty either. I disagree about our "neediness", but I'm no expert. I really love this school, but is it hopeless now? I plan on getting a summer job and making money however I can, but it might be enough for a year (at a stretch), and possibly not even that. I'm going to wait for further decisions and hope for better luck, but I would appreciate any advice, from anybody.</p>

<p>I assume that NMH is the school you got into, since this “no FA /acceptance” call happened for my friend’s daughter as well–it is her top choice, so they are very sad. I’m sorry to hear about that outcome for you–so positive in one way, yet so negative in another. Did they offer a F/A waitlist just in case, for after 3/10? If so that might still pan out.
Do you get to go back for revisit?<br>
Anyway my job suggestion is caddying at a golf club. It’s all cash, pays well (in the NE $80/round plus a tip), plus courses and clubs will basically hire any nice student type. You can also start doing it as soon as the weather is nice enough–and that means before school ends you can get a head start, afternoons, evenings and weekends. It is also paid employment that you can list on your college app, you get to be outside, and you can work when you want. It is the perfect summer job.
Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>The other bonus is you don’t have to be 16.</p>

<p>FYI if people request you, the caddymaster has to send you out. Have your friends’ parents request you. There is definitely seniority, so this is important if you don’t want to be last out.</p>

<p>Actually, it was Cate (good guess though!), there is no waitlist, and I live too far out in the country for a golf club. Anyway we don’t have one ):. Still, there are opportunities for being a farmhand or a bus boy, so I’ll see if any are available. Thanks for answering though! Sure wish we had a golf place…</p>