Early Action?

<p>It's really fun to share in your excitement!</p>

<p>where are all of you located that already got yours? im in rhode island so i dont know how long it will be</p>

<p>i got mine in Massachusetts yesterday</p>

<p>Portland, Oregon, just pulled the huge packet out of the mailbox 15 minutes ago.</p>

<p>Soooo excited. I made a facebook group for admitted students of 2012 Login</a> | Facebook !</p>

<p>Got kine in Chicago half an hour ago. Wooo, so happy. It's probably tied with three other schools for 2nd place on my list (Behind a school I have no chance of getting into so, realistically its tied for first), but at least at this point I can breathe easy knowing I'm in at a place where I would be happy</p>

<p>Congratulations guys! If you all decide to come to CC, I know you'll love it! It's an amazing place :) Good luck with making your decisions!</p>

<p>etowner, whats your name i live in chicago too i go to north shore. and wood, there already is a group bra</p>

<p>I actually live in Evanston and go to ETHS.</p>

<p>yeah, found it. thanks</p>

<p>sweet, i live in chicago but go to school in winnetka, north shore country day school, its uber small but I like it. My name is Shreve Fellars, if any of you guys haven't yet, you should join the facebook group
look forward to meeting you all :-)</p>

<p>bump, bump for the EA group in 2008</p>

<p>Man! Thanks for bumping this up. Does anyone here get accepted this year?</p>

<p>bendtner--you need to look at the entire Colorado College site on College Confidential. There are a total of 3 threads relating to ED (that's early decision, not that other thing). Yep there have been some posts of this year acceptances. Good luck.</p>

<p>just got my EA acceptance packet today!!!!!
(I live in ohio, and the letter said it was early notification)</p>

<p>Dottikance--my S got this "early notification" of EA 2 years ago. It means CC WANTS you to accept.</p>

<p>Congratulations Dottikance! CC is a terrific place.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>07DAD: Thanks for the info. I'm hoping this means they'll offer me more money when they send out the final award in March.</p>

<p>Dottikance, if they don't, negotiate. Applications are down and schools like their yield to stay high as it affects rankings. Yes, the endowment will also be down due to the economy, but it still won't hurt for you to try. You will probably get other wonderful acceptances and perhaps better packages, and you or your parents can discuss it with the FA officer.</p>

<p>I seconf Canadianmom's suggestion. The EA's seem to be in a very good position to negotiate a merit component. One RA got off the wait list AND still negotiated a bump in aid.</p>

<p>Congratulations, Dottikance!</p>

<p>My son applied EA, too, and today a large envelope arrived from CC.
It's about 8x11, a half inch thick, and pretty stiff.
It occurred to me that it might be an acceptance notice but I thought they did not go out until mid-January.</p>