<p>Just wondering what are my chances for pretty much all of the UCs (especially UCB and UCLA) and yeah. I'm an upcoming Junior so I still have time to get more involved and study for tests. Therefore, if you think it's too early to chance, any foresight or information on UCB (dream school!) and UCLA will be helpful.</p>
<p>Chinese Female. In-state. My class year is filled with extremely intelligent people (many of them have similar ECs to mine as well), but I know I'm also competing with everyone else applying from around the globe. Only school in my town.</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: School doesn't show it. I'm guessing like ~4.2?
Class rank: 1 (Or so it says on my transcript, but many of my friends have the same rank)
Class size: 818</p>
Spanish I: A+/A
Geometry A: A-/A
Biology: A+/A
English IA: A/A
Graphic Design/Cultural History (both 1 semester classes): A+/A-
PE: A/A-</p>
Honors Chemistry: A-/A
AP World History: A-/A- (2nd semester might be an A since I'm only .01% off)
Algebra II: A/A
English IIA: A/A
Spanish II: A/A</p>
AP US History:
AP Chemistry:
Honors English:
Spanish III:</p>
Calculus AB (AP):
AP English:
AP Biology:
Journalism *School newspaper (Maybe):
Anatomy (Maybe):</p>
<p>*I'm pretty confident in getting mostly A's. I might have 2 B's this upcoming year though.</p>
<p>SAT Is: Taking my 1st in Fall. Hoping for at least a 2100.
World History: 550
*My lame excuse is that I didn't get to study; trying to get my WHAP grade back to an A, haha. Might retake in Fall. (Probably not) & Trying to get above a 700. (You can choose not to send it right? :)
AP Tests:
AP World History: 3 (It doesn't hurt you right? :() </p>
<p>Here are the ECs I will be involved in FOR SURE by the end of senior year:
- Operation Smile 4 years (Secretary 10; Co-VP 11,12)
- Chinese Club 4 years (Historian 10; Co-Pres 11,12)
- Key Club 4 years (Historian 11,12)
- Track 3 years (10,11,12)
- Science Olympiad 2 years (11,12)
- CSF (California Scholarship Federation)
- 200+ hours of community service hopefully. (Already have ~110 hours)
* I am extremely involved in Key Club (DCMs, banquets, charity dinners, etc.) and Chinese Club (Lunar Show, San Fran trips, banquets, etc.) which requires a portion of my time. No significant awards for track however.</p>
<p>My friend and I are also launching a t-shirt business. We have backings from a dance crew, professional gamers, and I think the police department? On the side, I design sweaters and shirts for many clubs at school (and the class shirt) and also other Key Club districts in the area.</p>