Early "Chance Me". :)

<p>Hi, i still have five more semester until I start applying to my choice University as a Junior transfer, I am currently enrolled in MDC Kendall and hope to be get into UM. I would appreciate any recommendations anyone might have. I will be checking and responding but Thank you in advanced (:</p>


<p>MDC GPA 3.8 (I was doing calculations and i don't know if I messed or if it is right but by the time I'm done, having gotten all A's my GPA would have gone down to a 3.6. I'm not sure if it has to do with the amount of credits or what, my first semester I got a D in a class ever sense I've only gotten A's and desire to keep getting A's."</p>

<p>Biology Major</p>

<p>Phi Theta Kappa member</p>

<p>Starting next semester I will take my classes as Honors classes, giving me an advantage i hope.</p>

<p>Part of the Science Organization</p>

<p>Work as an After Care School Activity Leader (non-instructional teacher) at a Miami Dade Public School (for 2 years now).</p>

<p>Volunteering at Jackson Memorial (South) in the Emergency Room and by the time i have to apply i will have 369 hours.</p>

<p>I am Premed and I'm taking Chem. Bio. Ana. and all the prerequisites at Dade, meaning when i get to UM i will start taking the actual classes Med Schools want like Organic Chem, and more advanced Bio, Statistic, Calculus and so on. </p>

<p>I would appreciate any recommendations or criticism or anything that would make my application that much better. </p>

<p>Once again Thank You (:</p>