Early Decision - Notified?

<p>In our house it's the great countdown. Everyone multiple times a day thinks "did they let us know yet"? So, couple of questions, and thought people could post here when they found out.</p>

- They say Nov 15, is that by mail or online?
- Do/did you find out sooner? how much sooner?</p>

<p>At least my D will be happy that I asked the questions :)
Good luck all</p>

<p>We were notified online last year on a Friday night, so it must’ve been 12/11. Good luck!</p>

<p>The wait is killing me! I have a 3.9, 1330 on SAT, 7 AP’s, and applying engineering. Everything ive seen is that people are notified from 12/10 to 12/12.</p>