Early Decision

If I apply to Virginia Tech early decision for engineering and get accepted into their regular school but not the engineering school - am I still binded to go to VT?

No. If you apply early decision, two things may happen:

  1. You are accepted to the department of engineering with a general engineering major. You are then binded to VT, and after your first year in general engineering you’ll be able to declare your actual major.
  2. You are deferred. You will not be accepted to VT but not engineering when early decision results come out. Your application will then be moved to the regular decision applicants pool to be reconsidered for the school of engineering. When the regular decisions come out, four things might happen:
    2a) You get rejected
    2b) You are waitlisted
    2c) You are accepted to VT, but not engineering
    2d) You get into the engineering school.

Both in 2c and 2d you are no longer binded, only in case 1 are you binded.

Hope this helps!

I have some pretty strong opinions on binding acceptance. And I am probably in the minority here. It is impossible for VT to force you to attend no matter what the circumstances. So if you wan’t to apply early, go ahead, You will not be compelled to attend.

But I am giving some very bad advice here. So keep reading.

VT admissions made it very clear to us that the early process was aimed at the kid who really really really really really very much really wants to attend VT. And if that does not describe you, then don’t apply early. If nothing else, the dates you need to send in a deposit are so early, you really won’t have a chance to get a response from any other schools, including the early decision process at other schools… S1 ran into this during his college search. So it was a practical decision to apply regular cycle so that he could have time to honestly make a decision.

So, if you absolutely want to attend VT and study engineering, apply early. Also, if you absolutely will not attend for any other major, apply early. BUT if there is any chance you would attend VT in a different field of study, then apply in the regular cycle so you are not in the position of turning down an acceptance before know what your options are for other schools.

@Hokie17 Thanks you really cleared that up for me