Early Write to Smith (Class of 2022)

For the last two years, Smith has sent out Early Write letters this week. Starting a thread for anyone who is lucky enough to get one!

Whats an early write letter

It’s basically a (snail mail) letter sent to some students to admit them before other Regular Decision applicants. It’s often for students who’ll be offered STRIDE/Zollman/Presidential merit scholarships (in Smith’s case).

Received one in the mail with a handwritten note from the Dean today :slight_smile:

When was it postmarked, @tiredriceball?

I received one too! The handwritten note included a Latin expression (what I want to study) so it really felt amazing that the Dean had taken the time to do that. Postmarked February 19.

I guess if my daughter was getting one it would have come today

I would say depends on where you live. I live in MA so it wasn’t a long trip for the letter, but still two days. If your daughter is farther away, it could take a little more time!

Monday was a holiday, so probably didn’t go out until Tuesday. Sounds like in/near MA got them yesterday, so probably Midwest and South today, and West Coast on Friday or Saturday.

I guess NY/NJ could go either way

I got one too! The dean made a reference to my essay in her little note. Does the letter automatically mean we will get a merit scholarship?

@DancingwithStars I don’t think it means automatically, but your likelihood just went up.

2/19. I’m international so maybe others got theirs sooner.

I got one today 2/22 in CT and a small note from the Dean !! hope we get to meet each other in the fall as class of 2022 !!

My daughter got her’s today - and we are all the way in India!

Congrats All. We have been away all week. Waiting on accumulated mail delivery today on West Coast. My D’s mid year grades weren’t available until Feb 16. Saw that Smith posted them on the 17th. Wonder if that means they were too late for early write. Hope to see one…fingers crossed.

Yes it came today! West Coast. Funniest note ever on letter!

I got mine!!! They wrote me a sweet note.

And if any of ya’ll want to know, I live in Maine and the date on the letter is February 19. Also, I never visited Smith, never did an interview, my SAT is 1420 and I wrote my supplement in 20 minutes about my obsession with Pride and Prejudice (it was a ridiculous essay lol). My common app was really good, the note said “Beautiful essay–we would be proud to call you a Smithie!”

Hey @sciencenerd123 ! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I remember you from the Brown applicants page? I also got an early write letter for Smith today. Congrats to all!!!