Easier to get accepted to Binghamton as a transfer student?

<p>I feel that it is a lot easier to get accepted to Binghamton as a transfer student than as a native freshman. When I applied as a senior in high school, I didn't get in. My grades and SAT scores were mediocre. I went to another SUNY school and pulled off a pretty solid GPA for two semesters, (but it was nothing too special) and was accepted as a transfer student sophomore year. </p>

<p>Seems a bit easier because a lot of transfer students I know came from other colleges with mediocre grades that would've been rejected by admissions without a second thought had they applied from high school. </p>

<p>Bing wants more transfer students it seems. Students who choose other four year colleges are likely to stay there because after some time they have already adjusted and made their friends. It would take a lot for them to willingly throw that away. Many are drawn to Binghamton from other schools due to financial issues or because this school offers a major or program that their native school doesn't like the reputation of the professional schools (Watson, SOM, Decker, CCPA). My ex was accepted into the Nursing program as a transfer student and she hated it until the day she graduated. She gave up all her friends and the "best years" of her life at another college for the job security. What do you know she already has several job offers lined up.</p>

<p>So I guess the school is a lot easier to adjust as a freshman but kind of tough as a transfer hence why the school wants more. What were your reasons for transferring? Do you miss your old school? I certainly do, my whole college experience was there but at Binghamton I know what to expect in the "real world".</p>

<p>I am transferring in the fall (Accepted in march) because I absolutely hated my former school and I decided that I was no longer going to be a Music Education major. I was not going to stay at the subpar academic institution I was at for different major. I chose Bing because it is in my hometown and I will be a saving a lot of money not doing the meal plan and commuting. </p>

<p>Hi! I transferred to Binghamton from Oneonta this past fall and I know exactly how you feel. I was excited to leave Oneonta and come to Binghamton but I had so many doubts about it and they really scared me at orientation that I spent most of last summer contemplating if I should go to Bing or just stay home and transfer when I’m ready. I’m so glad I decided to come to Binghamton because it’s become the second home that I was never able to call Oneonta. At Bing they won’t baby you and hold your hand and I was living in a single room in Dickinson so I had to go the extra mile to meet people, but if you really put yourself out there and get involved in everything that Binghamton has to offer then everything else will fall into place. I joined a sorority and I know that Greek life isn’t for everyone, but that was something that helped me adjust really easily. I became involved with other clubs too and now instead of debating whether I want to go or not, I’m spending my summer excited to see my friends back at school in a little over a month. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me.</p>

@ptrocker Hi! By any chance, do you know when your ex found out about being accepted to Decker? and what her gpa/credentials looked like? I applied as well for Fall 2015 and am still waiting to here back. I hope to god I get accepted. Ive been freaking out.