
<p>Hey I'm going to be a sophomore transfer next fall and got placed in Eaton. I really wanted Mahoney Pearson, but can someone tell me about each one and what Eaton is like... I've heard its not as good and pretty quiet and not in the same area. Thanks!</p>

<p>Eaton is actually closer to everything and is more centrally located than Mahoney/Pearson. My son was in Mahoney his Sophomore year first semester and switched to Eaton the second semester. He liked Eaton better.</p>

<p>Do you know if there is a lot of sophomores living there? Because I just wanted to make sure I'd have the opportunity to meet a lot of people my age in my dorm, since I'm a transfer.</p>

<p>Yes, a lot of Sophomores live there.</p>

<p>I like Eaton a lot better than M/P. I lived in Mahoney last year and my best friend lived in Eaton and I liked being in Eaton so much better. I had a horrible experience in Mahoney and Eaton is located right on the lake and it's smaller. Eaton is all upperclassmen, so you'll have no problem making friends in the dorms. The only thing is you have to walk to the M/P dining hall (or the Hecht one, but that's all freshmen) but that's not a big deal, it's only a 5 minute walk.
And wow, for the past 2 years transfers haven't gotten on campus housing, so that's lucky that they're doing that again.</p>

<p>Im a transfer student as well, and I got placed in Eaton. Its actually a lot better, and like mentioned it is closer to everything.</p>