<p>ED applicants looking to post their stats, please follow this format...</p>
<p>Status: Accepted
Male from suburban area outside Philadelphia
3.85(uw) 4.05(w)
700 M, 710 V, 670 W
600 Math I, 610 Math II, 660 US Hist, 680 French
AP- 4 US Hist, 3 French
PSAT Commended
2 School awards last spring</p>
Head Editor of School Literary/Art Magazine
President of French Honor Society
Captain of Tennis Team (Outside of school, USTA tennis 20 hrs/wk)-4 yr team
Founder and Head of "Read and Eat Around the World"
School Newspaper Sub Edtior- 2 yrs
Senior Leader of Literacy Project
Varsity Soccer- 2 yrs
Tennis Instructor- 2 summers</p>
Essay on painting
French for possible major</p>
<p>Status: Accepted
(I would follow the format but I already have one made up and I'm too lazy to alter. ;))
Location: Smryna, TN
Race: White
Sex: Female
Class Rank: 5/417
GPA: 3.976 unweighted/ 5.0 W
First Generation (Mom didn't even do highschool)
Widowed single parent family
Younger siblings
Senior yr schedule - Physics AP
Chem II AP
Prec Calc H
Calc AB AP
Goverment/Drama II
-Most rigorous course load available
-5 sciences and 5 math classes
-Varsity Swimming three yrs and won a school record.
-Job over summer and Sr yr
-TN Governor's School 2006 (I completed two college level courses. History of Tennessee (HIST 2030) and Historical Geology (GEOL 1050) and recieved an A in both.)
-TN Volunteer Girls State Delegate (won and elected a Senator's position [only 20 awarded out of 500+ girls])
-Clubs: Mu Alpha Theta, Interact, Student Council, Historical Society, Thesbian, Science, Beta, Beta Epsilon
-ACT score: 27 composite, 29 super score. This was by far my weakest area.
-Lead in school play and musical
-Volunteer at a Nursing Home
-Good essays, after a lot of work.
-Recs: AMAZING.. I could not be more grateful for my teachers. This is what I think made the difference.-Student of Month twice, Soph & Junior academic award etc.
-Senior Superlative: Most intellectual</p>
<p>Hope this helps.. good luck to everyone!!! Just pm me if any questions.</p>
<p>Status: Accepted
Jewish Male from Maryland
3.6(uw) 4.19(w)
700 M, 660 V, 700 W
790 Chem, 720 Bio
AP- 5 Bio, 5 Chem, 4 Calc AB
Rank - 27% UW 14% weighted (so bad i know!)</p>
President of Students Helping Other People
President of Future Buissness Leaders of America
Leadership Cadre (run by principle)
Media Center Volunteer
Work 30 hours a week
Spend 2 weeks in WV every summer for community service
Essay on West Virginia
Recs went perfectly with my Academic Interest Statement</p>
<p>Status: Accepted
White, Jewish Male from Northern New Jersey
3.6(uw) 3.84(w)
730 M, 760 CR, 730 W
800 US History, 710 Math L1
AP- 5 US History, 5 Macroeconomics
PSAT Commended (211)</p>
Set All-time League Record in Debate speaker points, 05-06
Undefeated Debate Season, 1st place team and individual
16 trophy winner at DECA regional, state, nat'l competition
3 1st place state finishes, plus the #1 event test score in the nation
Ultimate Players Assoc (3 Years)
Badminton (4 Years)
Fed Challenge Competition at NYC Fed Bank
Stock Market Club President, founding member
Quiz Bowl 2-year Captain
Human Rights Awareness Club founding member
Honors Management Student of the Quarter</p>
<p>Interview went amazing with a well-respected alum
Economics-History Major</p>
<p>Hope this helps! Good luck to all those RD applicants and those still awaiting envelopes!!!</p>
<p>Status: Accepted
Male from California
GPA: 3.95
SAT: 2250 (770 cr, 730 m, 750 w)
AP: 5 psych 5 hist 4 env 3 eng</p>
<p>That's all i'm going to write right now because its really late but if anyone wants more info or just wants to chat it up pm me and ill give my AIM sn</p>
<p>Accepted ED
White Male, Boston
SAT: 2140 (M 740, CR 670, W 730/12)
SAT II: 700 U.S. History, 750 Math IIC, 680 Chem
AP: 4 Euro, 5 U.S. History, 3 Chem
GPA: 3.7 UW / 4.5 W -- all honors and AP's each year
Baseball, School Newspaper, Youth bball coach, Little League Umpire, Peer Tutoring, NHS.
Summer Camp Counselor 2 years, internship w/ D.A.'s office</p>
<p>Status: Accepted
Female from suburb of Green Bay, WI
4.0 uw (my school does not weight GPAs)
Valedictorian (1 of 260)
660 M, 720 V, 690 W
ACT 30 (English 32, Math 29, Reading 32, Science 29, Writing 10)
PSAT Commended</p>
<p>Most advanced coursework available:
AP US History, AP Spanish, AP Physics
College credit expository writing, precalculus and calculus through St. Norbert College</p>
<p>EC's (pretty weak, I know):
Spanish Club
Ecology Club
Mock Trial
People to People
Metro Math Team
Junior Prom committee
Cashier at grocery store 2 years</p>
<p>Really good rec's from awesome teachers. essay about a woman with OCD that I know (majoring in psychoogy with emphasis on abnormal psych hopefully)</p>