<p>One of my best friends is looking to apply ED to Cornell. She's in love with the place. She wants to be a vet, probably will major in biology.</p>
<p>-Ethnicity: Greek
-FL Resident</p>
<p>-Small, competitive, private HS
-3.4 UW, 3.8/3.9 W
-School does not rank
-Has always been in advanced math classes (took Alg II/Trig freshman year)
-In AP Calc AB, AP Bio, and Honours Eng</p>
<p>-SAT - 1300 (M+CR... don't know her W)
-Took SAT IIs Oct
-ACT - 28</p>
<p>-Volunteers at Vet. Clinic
-Teen Court
-Art Club
-National Art Honor Society
-School's Literary Magazine
-National Beta Club
-Receives annual scholarship from school</p>
<p>-Special: She just turned 16 in September. Skipped 2 grades.</p>
<p>I know she's not a shoo-in applicant. But what are her chances with amazing essays and recs?</p>