ED VT Engineering chances?

<p>I plan on applying ED to VT College of Engineering. What are my chances? Also would i have any chance at merit based scholarships/grants or the prestigious Dean's and Davenport's scholarships? Financial aid is pretty important to me.</p>

<p>Right now I am a senior in a public high school in Fredericksburg, VA.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.9 out of 4
Weighted GPA: 4.23</p>

SAT- 1860: 510 V, 740 M, 610 W
SAT II- Math II- 600 Physics- 640
ACT- 32: 30 Eng, 35 Math, 30 Read, 31 Sci </p>

<p>7th Grade:
Algebra 1- B+</p>

<p>8th Grade:
Honors Geometry- A+
Spanish 1- A+</p>

<p>9th Grade:
Adv English 9- A
World Geography- A+
Adv Algebra 2- A
Adv Earth Science- A
Spanish 2- A<br>
Health/PE9- A
Manufacturing Tech- A
Technical Drawing/Design- A </p>

<p>10th Grade:
Adv English 10- A-
AP World Histroy- B+
Pre-calculus with Trig- A
Adv Biology- A
Spanish 3- A-
Intro to Marketing- A-
Driver's Ed- B+</p>

<p>11th Grade: (Projected Grades)
Adv English 11- A-
US History- A+
AP Calculus AB- A+
Adv Chemistry- A
Adv Physics- A+
Engineering Drawing/Design- A+
Art 1- A</p>

<p>12th Grade: (Projected Classes)
Adv English 12
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP Calculus BC</p>

JV Football (9)
JV Basketball (9,10)
Varsity Soccer(10,11,12)
Part-time job at Chick-fil-A (11,12)
Active Math Honor Society member and tutor (11, 12)
Technology Student Association (11)
Calculus Team (Captain)
Physics Team (Captain)
50+ hours volunteering at church
10+ hours tutoring math students
AutoCAD Master Expert Certified in 2013
Most Outstanding Student in Physics 2013
Most Outstanding Student in Chemistry 2013</p>

<p>Where are you from? In-state? If in state, what area of VA.
Overall, based on VT’s posted stats you look good. Given the low verbal SAT, I would recommend sending the ACT scores. Good luck.</p>

<p>^ OP mentioned he is in a public high school in viri</p>

<p>In fredricksburg, virginia.
I would say its a match, but thats just me. And send ur act instead.</p>

<p>Everything looks good except for your SAT verbal (510). Did you take the SAT only once? VT will superscore your SAT results so if you can improve the verbal your application will look better overall. The verbal score isn’t considered as important as the Math for Engineering but 510 is still really low. Your ACT Math is fine and the English is much better than the SAT Verbal equivalent (hence another poster’s recommendation that you submit only the ACT). Personally, I’d just take the SAT again if you had only taken it once. Overall impression is that you have a good chance at admittance although I’ve seen students with equal or better scores deferred to regular admission.</p>

<p>Dean and Davenport scholarships - there will be hundreds of applicants with equal or better stats, ECs etc. Everyone’s chances are low simply because there are a limited number of scholarships available. Your chances are higher for a modest scholarship rather than one that pays a substantial portion, or all, of your tuition.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I plan on taking the SAT a second time. Should i also take the ACT a second time to see if i can improve? And what if i already sent my SAT scores to VT on test day, will they still have them?</p>

<p>I don’t think you need to take your ACT over again. Tech should receive both of your SAT score results. If you score 700 Math in the second test they will use your first result of 740 for purposes of determining admission. You only have to focus on improving the verbal score.</p>

<p>Alright and do I have to/should I submit my SAT II scores?</p>

<p>Open the url and plz chance me ! </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=1541321[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=1541321&lt;/a&gt; </p>
