Educational Preparation Programs

Hello guys, I was just wondering if this will hurt me if I left it blank. I’m an international student and from where I live they don’t really offer any of these programs.

Yes. Those only apply to US students (Trio, Avid, etc, are US programs. Internationals are NOT expected to be enrolled in those!!!)

@MYOS1634 there are educational prep programs in other countries too, and educational prep program don’t need to be federally funded type programs like Trio. I think your view of “educational prep programs” is a little narrow sighted.

Many times these are simply offered by schools. rhou777, did you not have any courses or programs helping you prepare for a transfer to the United States?

I wouldn’t worry. I think this section is commonly blank.

@briank82 I do have this on trip that every senior goes on where we listen to some people talking about life after graduation and college prep, but that trip is held after apps are due so can I put that?

They want to see the things you’ve done, not what you plan to do. I would say no but I’d think that including or omitting it wouldn’t impact your application all that much.

I’ve been accepted into a weeklong education prep program later in the year but am not including it in my application because it’s not something I’ve done yet.