electrical engineering senior vs. guy in a band

<p>so my crush (form my class) likes a guy who plays in a band but doesn't go to school. </p>

<p>How do i compete?</p>

<p>Ask her out and explain that you can actually pay for dinner, and possibly buy her the restaurant if she likes it, when you graduate. Whereas the with the guy in the band, she can expect to pay for dinner, bail him out of jail and pay for his stint in rehab to boot. If she doesn’t understand that, then I’d bail on her.</p>

<p>be interesting, girls what an adventure, tell her stories when you write her emails, share interesting news bit’s, make jokes, play her a guitar song, ask her to go jogging with you at night and take here to your special place where you have your own special training regimine, whenever you enter a room go up to a few groups of people(strangers) and chat before appraoching her, it demonstrates social value…restain by all means from coming off as needy.</p>

<p>or just be yourself : )</p>

<p>dude, you can out do a bandgeek, your an engineer, show her your exciting world man! Girls don’t care about stability and that stuff in college, I’m sorry but it’s true, the girl I fell for was a childhood friend of mine and she chose a business major that teaches girls softball instead, hahaa, I learned the hard way, in college girls just want adventure/someone that’s interesting…</p>

<p>yeah girls tend to go out with people they enjoy being around</p>

<p>shocking i know . . .</p>

<p>Is this a serious question?</p>

<p>Don’t worry. Chances are that he’ll probably be working at McDonald’s soon. Music does provide much of an income most of the time.</p>

<p>“restain by all means from coming off as needy”</p>

<p>how do i do this?</p>

<p>" your an engineer, show her your exciting world man!"</p>

<p>but shes an engineer too, shes in my class.</p>

<p>“whenever you enter a room go up to a few groups of people(strangers) and chat before appraoching her, it demonstrates social value…”</p>

<p>i don’t really understand this part.</p>

<p>if none of that made sense ignore it…i’m just saying, be fun, join clubs, go to the bars, on campus events, make lots friends, and then girls will digg you…</p>

<p>u said it yourself you don’t get out much cus your an engineer, that’s your problem, like join judo club and you’ll make friends that you can go and party with to the bars, or like someone mentioned before intramurals, join a play, join the marching band (hahaha), and make friends with girls your not attracted to, be ACTIVE in college life. If you commit to social activities outside of your academics you will find ur self a nice gf. </p>

<p>allocate an hr or 2 every week to participating in some activity with your fellow students…there’s always stuff going on in college, i live in ames, IA and there’s still 500,000 times more things going here than I would ever have time for…</p>

<p>I like how everyone puts down the musician in this thread because they dont make as much money as engineers. I respect the musician, he chose to follow a less secure path and do something that he truly loves. I cant say I know anyone whom has a life passion of doing Calc III. </p>

<p>Or I could be wrong and this guy could be a slacker too lazy to go to school so he strums his guitar aimlessly all day. NEVERTHELESS, just be yourself and come off as being an interesting, secure guy. If she doesnt pick you, move on.</p>



<p>Now you do.</p>

<p>Or rater, my passion is fluid mechanics which has a lot of Calc III in it… close enough, right?</p>

<p>What’s your pick up line Bone? “Hey baby, wanna see my fluid mechanics?”</p>

<p>"Is this a serious question? "</p>

<p>No kiddin. I admit though… Thermo you provide the funniest threads on here. Keep trying. And keep your head up. Confidance can go a long way.</p>

<p>What’s your pick up line Bone? “Hey baby, wanna see my fluid mechanics?” </p>

<p>LMAO, +1 for balthezar pointing that out!</p>

<p>Three Words: Nine Inch Nails</p>



<p>Nah, I usually stick to classier things like “does this rag smell like chloroform to you?”</p>

<p>Haha im glad I’ve found someone whos passion is fluid mechanics. But I was simply trying to make the point that, usually* it takes guts to choose music as a career because it is much less secure than engineering. Although it does happen to be something chosen by lazy ****s sometimes who dont want to go to school, which is probably why people look down on musicians like in this thread.</p>

<p>Take up guitar.</p>

<p>(Sorry. In my fairy tale, the musician won the girl. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em!)</p>

<p>Agreed. Specialization is for insects ;).</p>

<p>thermo, have you ever even asked out a girl before?</p>

<p>"thermo, have you ever even asked out a girl before? "</p>

<p>yes…i did. That one i’m describing. Its going very badly. Shes slipping farther from me. </p>

<p>I just don’t know how I’m supposed to compete with someone who doesn’t go to school. He can go work out at the gym (or whatever really) all he wants while i’m studying for finals.</p>

<p>Don’t compete. Just play the game and if you win, you win. If not (and listen, because this is the important part) then it wasn’t meant to be. <em>EDIT</em> Let me elaborate on this. You don’t want to seem like you’re acknowledging the other guy as a threat. That comes off as insecure. Make it a cold, rather than a hot, war, so speak.</p>

<p>Look at it this way. If you do your job and let her see who you really are and she chooses you, great. If you do your job and let her see who you really are and she chooses the guy in the band, then you’re not her type and it can’t work, unless you want to get into the business of changing her tastes, and good luck with that. If you don’t do your job and she doesn’t know the real you and she chooses you, then you’re probably in for a bad relationship. If you don’t do your job and she doesn’t get to know the real you and she chooses the guy in the band, well, that’s your fault. Note that according to game theory your only rational choice is to try to show her who you really are, because then you at least have a chance of a positive outcome.</p>

<p>Why are you so fixated on this girl? She sounds either (a) disinterested, in which case you’re being creepy by acting so set on getting her, or (b) to be stringing you along, in which case it’s a shame that you’re falling for it. Let me note at this stage that I’m not trying to be rude and, reading back over this, it doesn’t necessarily come across as rude, but perhaps a little more frank than would be polite. Anyway, continuing…</p>

<p>Here’s the thing. The mere fact that you know about the other guy means that she’s probably not been hiding the fact from you. Let’s say she has been hiding you from him. That means she wants him to think that they’re exclusive, see. Now, if she’s let him know about you as well, then it sounds to me like she’s playing the two of you against each other.</p>

<p>In summary, it sounds like she’s either (a) interested in him and not in you, or (b) playing one or both of you. These seem to be the most likely cases in my way of looking at it. Of course, there’s always the off chance that she’s playing hard to get because she doesn’t want to scare you off and the guy in the band is actually her brother’s gay former roomate who’s agreed to help her and, one day, Julia Roberts will star in the dramatization of these events, but come on.</p>