Email from Columbia after RD deadline

Did anyone get an email from Columbia very recently about them not having received your application? I had Columbia on my list at first but never finished and submitted the app. The email said that I should contact them if I’m still interested.

What’s strange about it? You started on the application and they are just giving you a chance to finish it in case you are still interested. It doesn’t mean they are particularly interested in you. Due to computer glitch, some people may have thought they submitted something when they didn’t.

Yes that’s what I thought, but I wanted to see if others had gotten it too. I had other apps that I had started and didn’t finish, but I didn’t get any emails from those other schools asking that if I was interested in the school (even after the deadline had passed) to contact them.

It just means their admission portal is not as good. It makes a college look good to have more applicants. It drives their admission rate down.