Emailing about scholarship

I’m an in-state student and I still haven’t recieved a scholarship from Purdue. Some of my friends already got some offers, but I’ve got nothing. Should I email Purdue about it? My acceptance letter came really late (during winter break) so that’s why I still have my hopes up. Any advice?

Some of my stats:
GPA: ~3.76 unweighted
ACT: 35
I have taken 15 AP classes including this year, and have won multiple state/regional awards. Do you think I am even qualified for a scholarship?

*I applied for engineering if that make a difference.

You most likely (although no guarantees with engineering) got something. I don’t believe that all the presidential scholarships have been sent out yet, but I don’t have any evidence of that. The GPA airs towards the lower side of the applicant pool (but still very decent) and you have a ridiculous amount of AP’s and a really high ACT. If you really want to know, call. I always feel like a call demands more attention than an email! :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, you applied by November 1st, right? That was the deadline for merit scholarships.