Emerging Scholars

I am looking for more information on emerging scholars for next year. S 2017 will be applying for admission for Fall 2017, engineering major, Presidential scholarship. I see on the website that they are changing things and only 30 students will be accepted. This makes this almost as competitive as CBHP. If S does not get accepted what are the likelihoods of being able to do research early on. Does anyone know what the odds of acceptance are without having done research in the past. Thanks in advance

I cannot help you with Emerging Scholars, but I can say that in engineering, there is a plethora of projects to get involved in. Yes, even as a freshman. Just approach a professor and ask! It pays to get to know your professor by attending class (duh - goes without saying, right?..but you would be surprised…), going to prof office hours to ask questions, actively engage in class discussions, and follow up on anything that interests you. There are bios on every single professor at UA’s Engineering Dept., and some of these are extensive with their own websites on each prof’s area of expertise and research opportunities. Professors LOVE smart, engaging students who take an interest in their work, especially if they have ‘stalked’ profs a bit beforehand and ask intelligent questions.

Some of these research arrangements are quite formal (and may result in a stipend or employment, even), and others are just ‘turn up when you can’ and work in the lab. ACTS may be able to help you, too?

I don’t think they’re expecting any research experience in either Emerging Scholars or CBHP. I think anyone who is interested in research and willing to search it out has a good chance of finding a project at Alabama. My daughter is in CBH and she needed to hunt down her own research projects - I think the professors with whom she found projects would have worked with her even if she was not in a research program. All were quite receptive and nice.

Thanks. Good to know. And my son at least to this point in time would never think about skipping class. ( One of the few perks of being an Aspie LOL)

It looks like they are only accepting 30 this year, but my understanding is that the year after that there will be more, and it will also be open to sophomores. But I could not figure out if the program will be the same or something else.