<p>Hello all,</p>
<p>Just wanted to start a thread of all the people that applied to Emory scholars/Goizueta scholars programs. We can get to know each other and make this long wait less miserable. The semifinalist decisions will come out through e-mail on the 15th or 16th. I believe we will be getting an e-mail soon telling us when exactly. Anyways, let us know...</p>
<p>How bad do you want to be a Scholar?
Where are you from?
Why do you wanna go to Emory?
Where else did you apply?</p>
<p>Anything else is good toooooooooooooooooo. Good luck everyone</p>
<p>Hey all fellow applicants. I’m from NJ and applying to be an emory scholar. Emory’s not very high on my list, and I would only go there if I became an emory scholar. I applied to Harvard EA but got deferred
and i’m also applying to Yale, Princeton, Rice, Duke, Amherst, WUSTL, Brandeis, and Penn.</p>
<p>Good luck to all!</p>
<p>I’m applying as a Goizueta Scholar.</p>
<p>Emory is interesting, but getting the scholarship really will be the best incentive I have for going. Otherwise, it’s not very likely.</p>
<p>I want to go because I liked their campus, students and the school itself seem extremely well-rounded and balanced, and their B School is amazing.</p>
<p>I applied to Harvard, Columbia, Penn (Wharton), Rice, WUSTL, UVA, UMich (Ross), Carnegie Mellon (Tepper), William and Mary.</p>
<p>I already got into UChicago, UMich (I learn about Ross later), Babson, and Case Western.</p>
<p>Cool stuff! I’m also applying as a Goizueta Scholar.</p>
<p>I think a full ride to Emory would be my #1 choice right now.</p>
<p>Also applied to Chicago, Columbia, Yale, & Cornell.</p>
<p>Georgia native!</p>
<p>How do you know “semifinalist decisions will come out through e-mail on the 15th or 16th”? I was under the impression that it would be towards the end of the month. Thanks and good luck to all.</p>
<p>what twoby2013 said…How do you know that xAlex452???</p>
<p>It has been around that time the past few years. Their website says you will learn about your decision via USPS late January meaning they mail it out sometime around the 15th. I believe they also send you an email of your decision the day they mail out decisions via snail mail.</p>
<p>I know last year they had to delay the notification of the scholars decisions due to the week long snow storm in Atlanta. Last year the semi-finalist were notified on Jan. 22nd…that was the “delayed date”…so maybe you are right in thinking the 15th or 16th. Would it make a difference with Monday the 16th being a holiday? Like first poster said, they will probably send out an email with the date, so everyone knows when to check Opus.</p>
<p>Thanks for the response.</p>
<p>One other question, is there a place within OPUS that specifically addresses Emory Scholars, i.e. apllication materials received, status, etc? If so, where is it?</p>
<p>Hey, everyone. I’m from Wisconsin, applied as an Emory Scholar. I’d probably only go to Emory if I became a scholar. I do like it though; like any other really good school, it seems to have a great campus, student body, teachers, and all that stuff. I also like Emory b/c I’m planning to go to med school in the future and Emory’s good for that-the CDC and everything. I also applied to Stanford (top choice), Duke, Rice, JHU, Vanderbilt, WUSTL, UMiami, and UW-Madison and UM-Twin Cities (safeties). I’m getting really nervous-this wait sucks. I want to just find out and be done already but I’m also kind of dreading it…
Anyways, Good luck to everybody out there! :)</p>
<p>Hi! Thank you for starting this thread- it makes it a lot easier to have a date in mind! I’m from Illinois and applying for Emory Scholars. Emory is currently my top choice because of the science program (and everything I’ve heard about the school has been positive). I would LOVE to become an Emory Scholar. I applied to like 10 or 11 schools…top 3 besides Emory are URochester, Vanderbilt, and Rice. </p>
<p>Does anyone know where on the OPUS site the decision would be??</p>
<p>Thanks & good luck, everyone!</p>
<p>Good to see everyone here! I don’t think the decisions will be on OPUS, they will be e-mailed to us.</p>
I didn’t expect an e-mail or anything until way later in the month!
I’m not sure If I expect anything until like the 17th, just because today is a Sunday and Monday is a national holiday. But who knows, really!
Well, now I’m honestly just anxiously waiting!
Here to hope and good luck for all of us!</p>
<p>Has anyone heard back/have any idea when we’ll hear back?</p>
<p>I got a letter from Emory two days ago and was really excited to find out my decision but the letter just said, “all the materials needed to complete your application have been received in our office.” Such a letdown.</p>
<p>wait whatwhatwhatt i didn’t know semi finalist decisions came out around now!
oh my god i’m going to spend the next few days freaking out now
while i’m doing that, i guess i’ll introduce myself? :]</p>
<p>i go to a very good public school in NJ, applied for Emory scholars. i do like the school and programs but unless I get Emory scholars or a crapton of grant aid/scholarships, my parents aren’t going to let me go. my dad thinks the only places worth him co-signing loans for are Ivies -__- </p>
<p>i applied to Yale (rejected EA,woo! lolol), Princeton, Columbia, Barnard, NYU, URochester, Boston U, MIT, JHU, Stanford, University of Minnesota TC, Rutgers, Swarthmore, UCLA, UC Berkeley. i’m pretty sure i wrote them all but it’s a super long list and i always end up forgetting one or another…</p>
<p>has anybody heard anything yet?</p>
<p>^ Still nothing. I’m guessing we’ll hear after MLK Day. Who knows though. Late January could mean anything till the end of the month.</p>
<p>Reading this also got me all worked up</p>
<p>I have a feeling MLK day is the day. Look at what it says on the OPUS login page: “For a short time between 8am and noon on Monday, January 16th, OPUS will be unavailable due to system maintenance. If you are unable to login to OPUS, please wait 30 minutes, then try to login again.” Does anyone think they are doing this because they are uploading decisions?</p>
<p>I applied as a Scholar too… Emory is my first choice, so I’m really nervous right now… Are we supposed to get our decisions today? Good luck to all!!</p>
<p>i don’t think its the 16th… they might just be doing maintainance stuff. Don’t get yourselves too anxious. Thats is the worst.</p>
<p>It will most likely be Tuesday.</p>