Emory university!!

<p>What are my chances of getting in.
I jacked up my first two years of high school by being lazy with a 3.346 unweighted G.P.A.
Then I decided to take A.P. classes my junior year and my G.P.A for the first semester was a 3.0 unweighted and 3.5 weighted. I was still to lazy.
The second half of the junior semester I got straight A's including the A.P. classes to get a 4.0 unweighted and 4.5 weighted only because I actually tried and am interested in Emory University a lot.
My first semester of my senior year I got straight A's again with 3 A.P. classes.
If I finish high school with these grades I will have a 3.548 unweighted G.P.A and and a 3.84 weighted G.P.A.
I am in SkillsUsa, Vice-President of the French Club, World of Difference, FCCLA, Beta Club.
I alos run cross country and track. A 4:30 mile, 9:50 two-mile as a junior and a 15:45 5k time as a senior.
With all this do you think I can get into Emory University?</p>

<p>dang you’re pretty fast. People think I’m fast because I can run a six minute mile lol. But anyway, in order to accurately assess your chances it would be helpful to know your SAT/ACT scores. Also what is your class rank? Rank seems to be more important than gpa.</p>

<p>I am 90th unweighted and 72th weighted.
I took the ACT two times.
First time I got a 29 and the second time I got a 32</p>

<p>Kinda low GPA, out of how many students are you ranked? Good ACT, I just chanced someone with that score. Decent EC’s, altogether Emory seems like a so-so chance. I hope you applied to some safeties should the worse happen, but good luck!</p>

<p>I am 90th unweighted in my class and 72nd weighted.
I am also looking at University of Miami, Tulane University, Winthrop University and Wake Forest University. Though I think Wake Forest is a bit of a reach.</p>

<p>I am 90th unweighted G.P.A out of 401 kids and 72 weighted G.P.A out of 401.
I also was nominated for the Governors Honors Program in the area of French.
French Sudies would definitely be a minor or possibly a major for me in undergrad.</p>

<p>Bump Bump Bump</p>

<p>Please reply. I will reply back to your chances.</p>

<p>Never mind. I found out that I got accepted to Wake Forsest and UM and Duke but a rejection from Georgetown. YESSS!!!
Should I still apply to Emory.
Emory was my first choice but I’m so psyched about Wake Forest.</p>

<p>wow gratz on ur acceptances! I actally applied to ALL those same schools XD (except Georgetown). Good luck!</p>

<p>Yea you were smart. Well I knew Georgetown was to the stars</p>

<p>I was to overzealous sorry
For Duke the coach said he knows I’m in
For Wake Forest they were furious that I abused the contract but I got in by Gods Grace
UM I got in
And Georgetown just flat denied me because of all the other ED’s I had and maybe because they also had better prospects would be a different argment.
Man I should do my homework on these colleges more.</p>