
<p>I recently got accepted into Duke, UM, and Wake Forest but Emory U. has always been my first choice. I've shown plenty of interest, my EC's are on point and my test scores are pretty good and also my high school classes were pretty hard. With all that said I will have by the end of high school a 3.548 unweigted G.P.A real low but I make up for it. I'm still deciding wether to apply to Emory regular decison or EDII. Should I because this is the one school where I want to make sure my essays are perfect and everything else is</p>

<p>Most Importantly what are my chances?</p>

<p>First two years highschool-3.346 unweighted
Second two years- 3.75 unweighted
8 A.P's all in second half of high school year </p>

<p>EC's- VP French Club, GHP Nominee in the area of French, SkillsUsa, Beta Club, United Way Volunteer, Cross Country/Track state ranked in both, Sierra Student Coalition and an Apprentice Ecologist for Nicodemus Wilderness Project.</p>

<p>The colleges that have accepted me so far tell me I showed tremendous growth throughout high school .
I hope that Emory also will</p>

<p>You have a really good shot. If you don’t get accepted, look at the back ups you have! anyone would be happy to get into any one of the schools you have gotten into. Don’t be upset if you don’t get into Emory, you can always transfer.</p>

<p>Tobias Pierre, did colleges actually tell you that (that is, actually contact you) or are you just guessing that as you were accepted? Just curious. :). Congrats!</p>

<p>By the way, I think you have a great shot @ Emory! Good luck!</p>

<p>How did you get accepted to Duke at this point? Isn’t Duke ED? I thought Wake Forest was ED also?</p>

<p>Well I’m also an athlete and the school coaches recommended I apply early action so I did and my letters have came in already. Letter of Intent isn’t until February though.</p>

<p>duke doesn’t have early action…</p>

<p>Oh sorry
I just meant wake forest and UM
But the coach told me that he is pretty I’m in so for Duke I’m accepted by the coaches word</p>

<p>pretty sure is what i meant</p>

<p>so you can also say i have an athletic edge even though my resume looks decent</p>

<p>Wake Forest is not EA either and the coach’s word does not always pan out, there is a thread in the Parents’ Forum about that. Do you play a sport that Emory has? </p>

<p>Emory cares about rigor of courseload and and test scores. You have both of those. Your sport may or may not be a hook. You realize if you apply ED II that it is binding? Are finances an issue? Emory is not the most generous school.</p>

<p>Your gradest are below average (for Emory), but there’s an upward trend so that’s good. Your test scores are average-above average (for Emory) and your ec’s are average. I think you have a good chance but it’s a 50-50 shot for RD. EDII you should have great chances.<br>
Yeah don’t get settled on the coach’s words. Duke is also a tough school and being an athlete definitely helps, but other factors are very important as well. And also, Wake Forest is also ED, so what’s up there?</p>

<p>Yea they do because I applied for Early Decison for Wake Forest. There was one big problem I also applied Early for UM and Wake Forest did not like that but I informed them I was confident that they were way above UM on my list. Again if it wasn’t for the athletic side that also helped I would of ended up with tears in my eyes. The coach informed me my letter of acceptance is late and that is was coming soon</p>

<p>So how are you going to get out of your Wake Forest ED policy to apply to Emory? As far as I know you can only break the ED contract if you dont get enough fin aid and if you cant afford it.</p>

<p>Yea and that is another aspect of the problem.
It is just a curse to have Emory and Wake Forest as my first and second choices.
I know it is kind of weird that I applied to Wake Forest rather than Emory for ED especially with the restrictions Wake Forest have but I’ve been wanting to go there literally since I was 12 until Emory University became its greatest competitor.
So EDII is out of the question and if I do regular decision my chances go way down. I have just found out I’m in the foxhole because my actions have shown I don’t consider Emory number one but I am willing to pay to apply still in regular decision for Emory.
Thanks for clearing my eyes siri4fun. Its just all these college essays and such have me STRESSED!!! Oh MY God!! I think I cut my own head!!! I’ve just lessened my chances of Emory by my own hands!</p>

<p>You don’t make any sense. How do you get accepted ED and then go on to apply to these other schools. Why didn’t you just apply to Emory early if you wanted it so badly and what is up with the last few sentences above? Crazy.</p>

<p>Ok first of all, stop stressing out lol. Second of all, yes you are right about lessening your chances for Emory, but how are you going to apply to Emory in the first place if YOU’VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO WAKE FOREST ED??? You should have realized you can only apply to one school ED and you should have made up your mind about which scchool, Emory, or WF was your favorite one and applied to that one. And StevenWheatland above is right…this enitre thread is a confusing and a bit shady.</p>

<p>I thought it made sense at the time . I did not want to apply on October because I wanted to have my semester grades to send to Emory and that would of been closer to my final grades of the semester in earl Dec than in November. So I just applied to UM because I thought it would be better to do EDII for Emory with my semester grades which were straight A’s. Then I applied to Wake Forest thinking they wouldn’t care about my applying to UM because of all the interest I had shown for two years to them. I was even more naive as I though it ony applied to EDI when we got notation letters early December and then I could go ahead and apply for Emory and I would explain to them why I did what I did and how I felt my chances increased doing EDII. It truly made sense August/Sep/oct/November. And now I’m in a pile of mess.</p>

<p>What do you mean shady?
Because a teen didn’t look ahead.
Well sorry because reading this thread shows the binds I’ve put myself in.</p>

<p>You have two choices:

  1. Go to Wake Forest.
  2. Try to come up with a reason to get out of the ED contract with Wake Forest (this will be tough because apparently fin aid isnt an issue with you and usually the only way to get out of an ED contract is if you cant afford the tuition). so you can apply to Emory EDII. There are two problems with this. First of all, it will be tough to get out of your ED contract with WF. Secondly, there is no guarantee that you will get into Emory. You have good chances, but it’s definitely no guarantee. If you somehow get out of Wake Forest ED and then apply to Emory but don’t get accepted, you will have to go to U of Mich (or another school you might get into later). So there is risk associated with this decision.</p>

<p>I honestly can’t recommend one choice over the other because each has its own positives and negatives and the situation you are in is unique. </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>