ENG 103 Questions


I just looked and Stogner teaches One section in June and Monk teaches one section in July this year. Feel free to PM me with any questions (:

Also debating here whether Mech Engr major son should take ENGR 103 and ENGR 161 as a freshman in the fall

He will come in most likely placing out of ENG 101/102 via AP Lang, has other APs to cover humanities and social/behavioral sciences class requirements, and will likely start at Calc 3 with MATH 227 (or Honors Calc 3 247) (4 credits) via AP Calc BC. He will also take CH 101 (or Honors Chem 1 CH 117) (4 credits). Add in ME 121 (1 credit) and either Million Dollar Band (MUA 153) or Honors Action (UH 103) (1 credit classes), that would be 10 credits.

The debate is whether to take ENGR 103 and ENGR 161 (4 credits total) in the fall, or take a UH freshman class or a science elective to get up to 13-14 credits.

In retrospect, I think Physics major daughter (now a junior) took too many credits in the fall of freshman year, and has been bringing up her GPA ever since. There is an adjustment to college life.

Thoughts from others?

ENGR 161 is kind of a joke. The teacher doesn’t even teach. He just gives you lessons to go through. Tests aren’t really tests since you can talk and ask the teacher questions. I personally don’t think it’d be a huge deal to take both.

Looking at his schedule I don’t think adding 103/161 will be a problem. I took almost the exact same schedule last semester. The Me 121 class should be fun and not too stressful. If he takes a good CH101 professor that’ll make life easier.

Thanks @bamagirl18 Looking back at the course schedules for past semesters and on RMP, it seems like the Honors versions of ENGR 103 tend to have the better profs (including the one you named above). In son’s situation, I think if he gets MDB, then he may opt for freshman UH class instead of ENGR 103/161 due to the time he’d need to spend in MDB in the fall. If he does Honors Action instead of MDB, then he’d have more time to tackle ENGR 103/161 in the fall. Cheers!