Engineering Chances?

<p>Purdue is one of my top choices and with the decisions coming out in about a week, I just wanted to know my chances of getting in there.</p>

<p>I am an out of state white male with these stats:</p>

<li>3.55 Unweighted GPA </li>
<li>27 ACT score</li>
<li>610 Critical Reading, 650 Math, 580 Writing SAT scores</li>


<li>2 semesters of Honors English</li>
<li>Honors Bio</li>
<li>Honors Physics</li>
<li>AP Environmental Science (scored a 4 on the test)</li>
<li>I also participate in jazz band and am in a select band for my school</li>
<li>My high school is supposedly one of the top in the state</li>


<li>High School Baseball</li>
<li>a few other school activities</li>


<p>I say your chances of getting in look solid.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying! Any other opinions?</p>

<p>Engineering is one of the hardest to get into. Your ACT is a tiny bit low, but I think your GPA is ok. You have decent chances, but not guaranteed.</p>

<p>Really? I was thinking the opposite haha. I thought my ACT was ok but my GPA was a tiny bit low. The reading section of the ACT kinda brought me down. I got a 22 on the Reading, 31 on the English, 29 on the English-Writing Composite, 28 in Math and a 27 on Science… Do you think its good that my Math and English are higher than my composite score?</p>

<p>If you’re applying for Engineering, yes, your higher math and science scores will be considered. However, that’s not to say that your lower scores will also be considered.</p>

<p>Engineers still have to be able to talk, despite how nerdy they are.</p>

<p>I don’t want to sound negative to you but how do you plan on taking rigorous math courses for Engineering after scoring a 650 on the SAT math? I just scored a 620 on math and had a pretty tough time with MA153 which is simple compared to the other math classes you would need to take. Classes are a lot harder in college than high school so getting an A in high school Calculus means nothing, imho. </p>

<p>Do you have any other major you’re interested in? I know it’s just a standardized test score and some people don’t do well in them. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of the people who dropped out of Engineering after the first or second year.</p>


<p>The thing with SAT math, is it is all bullshtick. A student can not try in school at all, fail math tests, and do no homework, and still get a 620. I would know, that’s what I did. Then when I actually tried in math, got an A in Hnrs Pre. Calc, and took the SAT again, I got a 570.</p>

<p>ACT Math is actually REAL math, there are no real tricks and secrets that make it easier to solve.</p>

<p>However, a 28 is about the same as a 650 on SAT math.</p>


A 650 Math SAT does NOT mean someone cannot handle engineering math classes at Purdue. Anyone with a 650 Math SAT and a willingness to put in the effort CAN be successful in engineering at Purdue. How hard someone is willing to work will have more of an effect on their math grades at Purdue than a standardize test measuring how much you remember of 9/10th grade math. BTW - Purdue is NOT MIT … a 650 Math SAT is fine.

Did you take the engineering math classes that the OP will need to take? If not you don’t know whether the OP can pass them or not.

I’m sure the OP will give your opinion all the consideration it and the rest of your post deserves.</p>

<p>I see your point, Jimgotkp… The reason I chose to try and pursue engineering is because it is something that might interest me. Why am I not aloud to give it a try? I get A’s in most of the math classes I have taken and am finding the Honors Physics class I am in rather easy. I realize these classes aren’t the same caliber as college courses, but I find that whenever I need to buckle down to learn something, I do it. I am not a slacker. I appreciate your contribution, though and I do have back up plans if engineering is something that isn’t for me.</p>

<p>I’m just saying… I considered doing Engineering as well but decided not to since I don’t enjoy math or science at all. As I said in my previous post I did not mean to offend you at all. Just putting my opinions out there.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply, but I think we are digressing from the original question haha. Do you think that I will even get into Engineering at Purdue?</p>

<p>Were only 6 days from decisions. No matter what we say now, everyone whoa applied will be tense until Friday.</p>

<p>I know I am…</p>

<p>Everyone I know that applied is super tense as well, including myself.</p>

<p>You all just need to relax… Purdue is not the only fish in the sea… unless of course that is the only one you applied to… my son applied to about 9 schools so he would have lots of good choices and so now is just sitting back pretty much with it narrowed down to 2 -and that is not including Purdue…even if Purdue accepts him, it is highly unlikey he will go there due to how expensive it is and OOS getting no breaks on the cost…</p>

<p>well… i got a pending decision so i guess they just pushed me to regular decision… so maybe u guys were right, maybe purdue engineering isnt for me :(</p>

<p>Doesn’t mean anything. You never know if they want you. It’s not the end of the world if you get denied. Eventually you will understand. I felt the same way when Cornell my dream school denied me from ED during my senior year.</p>

<p>Yeah I know it’s not a big deal if I get denied… Purdue was just the first of the 7 schools I applied to that I heard from. The rest I hear from during late December or January. I was hoping for peace of mind during Christmas.</p>

<p>Understandable. The best of luck though with your other applications!</p>