Engineering Enrollment up 78% in 3 Years

@Mathman97 Don’t let these uncertainties reject your acceptance, TAMU is a world renowned engineering school, and many students wish they had the opportunity to attend TAMU. Even here at the university I know some people who are in general studies who are trying to get into the engineering majors and wish they had been admitted in general engineering. Just know that because of all the new adjustments and changes they’re making, your first year here at TAMU might be stressful and you’re going to have to work hard. If you have the discipline and are diligent (and I really mean diligent), I am sure you will be fine. Make sure during registration, you have 3 back up plans and come prepared.

@Mathman97 An engineering degree from A&M still holds a lot of prestige, but it is kind of a gamble whether you will get your first choice of a major. Neither my son nor his freshman roommate got their first choice of majors in engineering. For my son it has worked out well since he re’ll enjoys the classes for the major he is in, so it worked out fine.

@TexasAtHome Could I ask what their first choice of major was? I want to compare to see my chances of getting into my major.

@Mathman97 - Although my son came in right before all of the changes, if he had to do it over again now, he would. He is getting a great education at TAMU.

@TexasAtHome dont you get into your first choice automatically with a 3.5?

@Mathman97 The requirements this year are different from last year’s, and they may be different next year, so I don’t think my son’s stats will be a very good predictor. Last year having a 3.5 was not a guarantee.

Mathman97 – no, a 3.5 GPA was not a guarantee. My now sophomore year daughter was accepted, after the first semester, into both ME and Civil (last year students were recommended to put two choices when they applied and this year I guess you get to put more choices) and the GPA averages for acceptance for both were a 3.8 for ME and a 3.3 for Civil, I believe, at the end of the first semester. The university said it was heavily weighted toward the GPA but other factors were important such as activities and essays. I remember it was something like 20-some% of the students who applied for ME (and a little higher percentage for ChemE) got accepted after that first semester. There was a thread on here last spring with the exact statistics. Of course, many more apparently got accepted after the second semester was over so there are multiple opportunities for entering your specific major.

There are different criteria for the engineering entry into a major on the TAMU website. Currently, there are links for the class of 2018 and the class of 2019. For the class of 2019, it looks like a 3.5 is auto admission, among other changes.

@inspiration12 Will you please post the link so that others may see it?

I found this information last week but I think you are referring to something else.

Link to engineering entry to major:

Got it. Here is the auto admit Info cut and pasted

“The entry-to-a-major process includes automatic admission to the first choice major for students with a 3.5 cumulative GPA after the first two semesters for the spring/summer application process only.
Students are required to have completed two engineering courses, two science courses, and two math courses (one of which must be at least Math 151), all with a grade of C or higher. Exceptions will be made as needed for students who enter with credit for math and science courses.”

Just keep in mind that the criteria for new students for the class of 2020 has not been posted yet…it’s a work in process for this new system.