engineering vs arts and sciences

<p>how much more competitive is applying to a school of engineering rather than a school of arts and sciences? </p>

<p>for ex. at duke? </p>

<p>is it worth it for me to go into engineering when i'm not sure of my major yet?</p>

<p>^I had a similar question…my gc told me to do engineering b/c women in engineering slightly boosts chances, but I think I’d rather apply to the school of arts and sciences, because I don’t know how easy it would be to transfer out of engineering…or even if I’d really like engineering.</p>

<p>Statistically it’s easier to get into Duke engineering but that group is more self-selecting.</p>

<p>chinny: yeahh, i’m in the same boat as you. i’m thinking that its just easier to apply to the arts and sciences.</p>