English 103

<p>Would you guys/your kids at UA recommend the EN 103 class versus EN 101 & EN 102?</p>

<p>I absolutely dread writing, not too bad at it just don’t enjoy it. I was even considering taking the AP exam to try to get credit for it like suggested in another thread. But now I feel I may need the extra practice because it has been a while since I’ve had to write anything! So was the class a good alternative to taking both 101 and 102 in your opinion?</p>

<p>I would recommend taking EN 103 if you have the option. You only want to take 101-102 because you have to. 102 and 103 are standard college level composition courses, 101 is at the level of a remedial course.</p>

<p>*I was even considering taking the AP exam to try to get credit *</p>

<p>Take the AP English Comp exam, so you’ll have the option.</p>

<p>Even if you do get a 4 or 5, you can still later decide to take En 103 if you want. </p>

<p>Remember that all Bama students have to take 6 credits of upper division courses with the W designation as well. They can be in your major or in honors… or another major if your advisor approves.</p>

<p>Frankly, I would avoid taking Frosh Comp like the plague. I hate doing “Works Cited” pages and the thought of losing points over some misplaced comma on a Works Cited page makes my head spin.</p>

<p>Okay I may call and get it arranged for me to take the exam. Just to make sure, I’d want the AP English Language one correct? Not the Literature?</p>

<p>Either one…but my kids’ swear that AP English Language Comp is the easy one.</p>

<p>Either the AP Lit or AP Lang will work. I don’t know about the Lang, but I hated the Lit exam, mainly because I suck at literary analysis and criticism.</p>

<p>Lang is easier for most people. Go to the college board site and take a practice AP test. Or get a practice book and take a test. That way you could see approximately how you would do. You get credit for EN 101 for a score of 3. You get credit for EN 101 and EN 102 for a 4.</p>

<p>Yes…get an AP English Comp practice book. I think my kids used Princeton Review…you can get one on amazon or any book store.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I’d be lost without you all :slight_smile:
AP site says to call before March 1st so I will get on that.</p>

<p>I was considering pre-med and was reading up on different med schools requirements. Most, maybe all I can’t remember, require 1 year of English/Writing/Comp and some don’t accept the AP credits. (This might have only been Harvard, which I was only looking at to get an idea of what the highest requirements might be)
So my question is do the upper level courses with the W designation count for the one year requirement? Even if it’s a Chem or ChemE class?</p>

<p>Yes, DS will be taking both AP English exams this spring. Although he’d be happy to take 103 (he meets the SAT req), he’s looked at all the required engineering courses and decided that he’ll need the AP credits to make room for the ‘cool’ Honors seminars he sees in the catalogue.</p>

<p>*So my question is do the upper level courses with the W designation count for the one year requirement? Even if it’s a Chem or ChemE class? *</p>

<p>I’ve asked this same question…and you might ask this on the premed forum here on CC</p>

<p>[Pre-Med</a> Topics - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pre-med-topics/]Pre-Med”>Pre-Med Topics - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>I was told that if you include some kind of letter about those 300/400 classes with the W designation that those will be accepted. But, I would post the question in the premed forum to get more assurance and info.</p>

<p>From what I understand, med schools are the most lenient with the Engish req’t.</p>

<p>BTW…harvard doesn’t have the most stringest req’ts…some of the Texas med schools and USC have pretty demanding req’ts.</p>