
<p>my daughter is an incoming freshman. she made a 29 on the ACT and a 34 on the English portion of the ACT. should she be taking EN103 as her first English class or EN102 then 103 next semester? she is majoring in English.</p>

<p>It’s my understanding that EN103 replaces EN101 and EN102.</p>

<p>My D is planning on taking 103 (I believe it is Honors also) – a grade of C or above gives student “credit” for 101 and 102. Don’t think you get actual “credits” other than the “3 credits” for 103, but it removes the requirement for taking 101 and 102. </p>

<p>We wanted Hull based on past recommendations, but it appears she is not teaching it this Fall.</p>

<p>^^ I thought I read on here at one point that you did get credit for EN101. Can someone who has already taken EN 103 let us know one way or the other. THanks!</p>

<p>From the UA catalog:</p>

<p>EN 103 Advanced English Composition. 3 hours.</p>

<p>This is an accelerated freshman composition course that is open to students with minimum composite scores of 28 ACT or 1240 SAT, or minimum ACT English scores of 30 or SAT verbal scores of 720. With the appropriate qualifying scores and the completion of EN 103 with a grade of “C-“ or higher, placement credit is awarded for EN 101 and the general education requirement for freshman composition is completed. Expository writing. Topics to be determined by each instructor. Grades are reported as “A,” “B,” “C,” or “NC” (“No Credit”). A grade of “C-” is required as a prerequisite for advancing to another English course at The University of Alabama. EN 103 does not apply as credit to the English major or minor.</p>

<p>Yes, taking ENG. 103 and meeting the appropriate requirements for ACT and SAT will count towards fulfilling ENG. 101 and 102.
Son’s verbal SAT was higher than the required 720, and with the completion of ENG 103 during his first semester, freshman year, he was given credit on his transcript for Freshman Comp. I (ENG. 101) and Fresh. Comp. II (ENG. 103). He received 3 credits for ENG. 101 with a grade of “P.” ENG. 103 is an Honors English class, which counts towards UHP requirements.</p>

<p>would it be wise for my daughter to sign up for EN103 and one of the honors freshman seminars (UH155) judicial process?</p>


<p>Sounds good. </p>

<p>EN 103 fulfills the req’t for Frosh Comp I and II in one class. :slight_smile: So, your D shouldn’t take 102 and then 103. She’d have to take 101 and 102, if she doesn’t take 103. </p>

<p>103 also counts as an honor class. :)</p>

<p>thanks. so you don’t think taking an additonal honors course (UH155) is too much then?</p>

<p>Does the UH 155 count for a needed Core Req’t? </p>

<p>How many credits total will she be taking?</p>

<p>as far as i know UH155 doesn’t count as a core credit - just towards the honors credits needed in the honors college. she will be taking 5 three hour courses and alabama action = 16 hrs.</p>

<p>Sounds like I stand corrected – and happily so. So, not only will D get the requirement for 101 and 102 completed by taking (and making a C) 103, but will also be awarded credits beyond just 103. Sweet. Tks.</p>

<p>azalea…from sophocles post above</p>

<p>EN 103 does not apply as credit to the English major or minor.</p>

<p>Since you mentioned your D is an English major</p>

<p>Will 103 EN also then count as 6 honors credits or just 3? I understand if successfully completed it will count as 6 credit hours, just wondering if half or all of those are considered honors credits?</p>

<p>Only 3 credits from EN 103 will be considered honors credits.</p>

<p>My son has a grade posted for Eng 103. However, in Degree Works, it still shows that he needs to complete Eng 101. It has always shown this throughout the semester, even when the course was “in progress” - other “in progress” classes have shown as satisfying reqs for major/graduation, so why not Eng 103? Does he need to petition for or talk to someone specifically to amend this in his record, or should he just wait a few more weeks and see if it resolves itself?</p>

<p>Ignore what DegreeWorks says for now and if the notation is still there a few months from now, have your son email his advisor. I seem to recall that UA batch processes various issues related to EN 103. If this was for the Fall 2012 semester, grades are not yet final (Fall 2012 grades become final at noon on 18 December, 2012) and thus DegreeWorks should not reflect EN 101 as being satisfied until after then.</p>