English requirement for UC

I’m pretty confused on the UC requirements for English. I scored a 530 on the new sat Reading/writing. Have I fulfilled the English requirement? I did not pass AP English Literature and am currently taking AP English Lang. Although I received an A both semesters in AP Lit and an A in my first semester of AP Lang. Does this affect my admission chances if I did not meet the requirements and what should I do?

I did not pass the AP English Lit Exam, I scored a 2*

UC meaning California UC’s?
Are you International?

See Below. What is your New SAT writing and Language score?

If you do not meet the requirement, your application will not be considered.

SAT Examination

An SAT Reasoning Test (old SAT) Writing section score of 560, or a SAT Writing and Language (the new SAT) score of 31, satisfies the first three years of the requirement.

An SAT Reasoning Test (old SAT) Writing section score of 680, or a SAT Writing and Language (the new SAT) score of 36, satisfies the entire requirement.

ACT with Writing

Combined English/Writing or English Language Arts (ELA) score of 24 satisfies first three years; score of 30 satisfies entire requirement.

SAT Subject Examination

Literature: Score of 560 satisfies first three years.

AP or IB Examination

Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP English Language and Composition or English Literature and Composition Exam; score of 5, 6 or 7 on the IB HL English: Literature exam (formerly IB HL English A1)

Aside from the scores, will you have taken and passed 4 years of English classes by the end of high school?

@Ynotgo: It sounds like OP is trying to fulfill the English requirement by not taking 4 years English but using the alternate option of SAT score or AP Scores as I have listed. For OP to be successful, they have to have a New SAT score of 31 for Writing and Language which fulfills 3 years and then take another year which they doing by taking AP Language or they have to have a score of 36 for SAT Writing and Language to fulfill all 4 years.

The New SAT score Reading/Writing score OP posted is 530 which is not an option to fulfill the requirement and they did not pass the AP Literature exam with 3 or higher. I am waiting for a reply from OP regarding their New SAT Writing/Language score.

Just based on the above information, they will not fulfill the English requirement. The New SAT score of 530 is even lower than the required OLD SAT score of 560 or 680 as stated above.

@Gumbymom @Ynotgo I have taken 4 years of English and have gotten an A in 7/8 of the semesters with the final semester currently in progress. I took English 9 Accelerated, English 10 Accelerated, AP English Language as well as AP English Literature.

@Gumbymom @Ynotgo I scored a 26 on Reading and a 27 on writing and language as well as 7’s across all categories for the essay section (New SAT).

You meet the UC requirement since you have 4 years of English. You do not need a specific SAT score or need to pass your AP English exams on top of the 4 years of English to fulfill the requirement. The SAT score or AP English exam scores are an alternate method to fulfill the English requirement. Many homeschoolers will use this alternate method. You are good.

Your SAT score however will not exempt you from taking the APWE (Analytical Placement Writing Exam) for the UC’s which is required if you plan to enroll:

Students can meet this requirement by scoring:

30 or better on the ACT, English Language Arts; or
30 or better on the ACT, Combined English/Writing (last administered June 2015); or
680 or better on the College Board SAT Reasoning Test, Writing (last administered January 2016); or
3 or above on either Advanced Placement Examination in English; or
5 or above on an International Baccalaureate Higher Level English A: Literature exam (formerly known as Higher Level English A1 exam); or
6 or above on an International Baccalaureate Standard Level English A: Literature exam (formerly known as Standard Level English A1 exam); or
5 or above on an International Baccalaureate Higher Level English A: Language and Literature exam; or
6 or above on an International Baccalaureate Standard Level English A: Language and Literature exam

Even though you are taking AP Language Senior year, you will not have your score in time to waive the writing exam, so I would suggest you consider taking this exam in May if you are accepted to a UC.


@Surf3000 Since you have taken and passed 4 years of English, you have met the UC entry requirements for English. Your scores don’t matter as far as meeting the a-g requirements. Your SAT/ACT scores will affect which UCs you get admitted to.

Since you have 4 years of English, your AP scores don’t matter until you are a UC student deciding which classes to take to fulfill degree requirements.

Edited to add: Unless there is a particular reason you got a 2 on the AP test (like you were sick), it might be a good idea for you to go ahead and take the UC writing course available to students who haven’t passed the APWE when you are a freshman.

@Gumbymom @Ynotgo So I take the APWE after I have been admitted? It only determines which classes I will take for English?

@Gumbymom @Ynotgo I have applied as a Civil Engineering major

Yes, you would have to take the APWE if you plan to enroll in a UC. If you do not pass, you will be placed in a campus specific writing course before you are allowed to enroll in any other English courses at that UC. You could always wait and see the results of your AP Language course in July to see if you receive a 3 or higher which waives this requirement, but you will not be able to enroll in any English courses until you either pass the APWE, get it waived with a 3+ AP score or take the required writing course at the UC.

Gumbymom is correct, above. Assuming you haven’t ‘tested out’ of Freshman writing (and it seems you haven’t), the AWPE is generally taken in the summer after admission to the UC, before classes begin in the fall. The test is offered at each campus. Depending on your score, you will either be placed in a general freshman composition class or a preparatory English class which you must then pass with a score of “C” or better to move on to general comp. The particular sequence of classes you will require is campus-specific.