Entirely forgot about Pomona's own school supplement.

<p>Argh. I forgot that Pomona had its own supplement for the high school counselor to fill out. And the sad thing is, it's a really easy form to fill out -- even I have all the info to fill it out. What would be the repercussions if the form was postmarked Jan. 5th, instead of the 2nd?</p>

<p>Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but unlike other schools, Pomona’s apps are DUE Jan. 2, not postmarked Jan. 2. I would recommend that you try to contact the Admissions Office and let them know. You may want to ask your school to fax it as soon as it’s completed.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Oh Lord. Is that the same for test scores, too? I can’t believe I forgot something this incredibly easy.</p>

<p>ahhhh same thing with me. let me know if you find out what to do</p>

<p>I have the exact same problem. I emailed the Pomona admissions office as well as my guidance counselor - hopefully I’ll hear back from one of them within the next few days. My only problem is that I don’t start school again until January 20th.</p>

<p>don’t worry at all. I sent some of my stuff in a few days late, no problem at all. They spend a lot of time sorting, so they won’t even notice a few days.</p>

<p>also, the admissions office is pretty bad at responding to emails. really, no big deal</p>

<p>OMG ME TOOO!!!</p>

<p>I was just about post a thread with this exact question too! I totally forgot about sending in the supplements. ****. </p>

<p>My school doesn’t start until Jan. 5th, either. I reeeeeally hope that they don’t mind that it’ll be postmarked Jan. 6th. :cry: I hope, i hope, I hope!!!</p>

<p>for those of you that e-mailed: wait til a day when the office is open and CALL. Pomona is an excellent school, but its admissions office has problems with organization. even after I was accepted and enrolled, they still lost forms of mine on numerous occasions. My sense is that this shouldn’t be a big deal. Just don’t wait. calling will give you an immediate response, whereas e-mail can take days, or you may just never hear back. I remember that when I applied two years ago, I misread the deadline as “postmarked by” instead of “received by” and freaked out. My dad and I drove 30 minutes to the one fed ex store open (this was late at night during a weekend) to send a 2nd copy of a form so they would get it in time. I had e-mailed an inquiry about this and never got a response. The next week they wrote that it would be no problem. so I wasted money and energy on sending a second form when they didn’t even care that much. lesson is: always call.</p>

<p>I forgot too… :frowning: so I mailed the signature form on Jan 2nd and the counselor one today (the 5th). Should I call them in a couple days to tell them/make sure it reached, or just… not say anything?</p>

<p>I called them today and asked them if I could fax them in today. They said it was fine, so I don’t think it would be too much of a big deal.</p>

<p>hmm i hope they dont lose my forms =/
i wouldnt be surprised because they have so many freaking forms haha</p>

<p>Nothing At All:</p>

<p>I think the best way is to include a formal letter apologizing for the late supplement. This way they have it on file (should be better than a phone call?) for future reference.</p>

<p>It bugs me how many extra forms Pomona requires you to fill out. It’s a pain in the rear. Are they trying to prematurely weed out anyone who is too lazy to fill 'em out?</p>

<p>Possibly, or they may just be trying to obtain as full a picture of the applicant which could benefit you.</p>

<p>Send the form ASAP! They shouldn’t penalize you. Just look at all the above posts from others who will be late too. Just get the missing material in immediately. They might not have seen your app yet.</p>

<p>Don’t worry too much. Send in the forms now, tell them what’s up. I got that stuff in late and got in. Definitely not the be all end all.</p>