
<p>Hey! So I'm a prospective student for the class of 2016, and I was just wondering what the environment of the college is like and how the city itself is. I'm interested in the block program and its benefits, and I like how outdoorsy and adventurous the school seems to be, but I was also curious about how the student body would be characterized and the relations between the college and Colorado Springs. I've heard the city is ultra conservative.</p>

<p>I'm also gay, and would like to know how students and those in the surrounding area treat others with such backgrounds. </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>FPC - son will be a senior next year at cc. the campus is progressive and quite lgbt friendly. while i know that parts of town are uber conservative and turbo-christian, i dont think that you will venture far enough to encounter that aspect of colorado springs. son sticks close to campus – and the downtown area (around campus) also tilts toward the more liberal, progressive end of the specturm. i can not say enough good things about cc and colorado springs. if you can, visit for an overnight - that will give you a really good feel for if it is a fit.</p>

<p>My S2 is a rising 3rd year student at CC. I agree with everything txcarol posted. The “turbo-christian” aspect of Colorado Springs gets over-emphasized. True, many conservative organizations are HQ’ed on the outskirts of town, but that really should not have much if any impact on your life at CC. </p>

<p>The natural surroundings are gorgeous and the climate is wonderful. Colorado Springs is not Manhattan (for urban culture and entertainment) but many students would find it far more attractive than the rural or suburban locations of many other LACs. </p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“http://www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/2008/05/2008-best-cities-Colorado-Springs.html]Kiplinger.com[/url”&gt;http://www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/2008/05/2008-best-cities-Colorado-Springs.html]Kiplinger.com[/url</a>]</p>

<p>Pretty much agreed with everything said by txcarol and tk21769. I rarely ventured into the very conservative parts of town (except to campaign for Obama in '08…that was fun :P). My friends and I generally stuck with campus and the downtown area (which is walking distance from the campus). The student body itself is extremely LGBT friendly. Quite a few of my very close friends from CC are gay and it was great to watch them progress and become so much more comfortable with who they were throughout our college years :)</p>