erm... yeah normal kid. (rare around here)

<p>so, this forum depresses me, because there are all of these people going, "what, you have a 2350, a 4.5, and you save the planet daily, and help old ladies cross the street for a volunteer EC? Sorry, I just don't think your qualified for Yale, Harvard, Princeton... or anywhere. Have fun sucking at life."
or something like that.
I'm a normal, (not a 2300... not even a 2000) kid, so where in the world would I be accepted?</p>

<p>yeah- this is a thinly-veiled chances thread. XD</p>

SAT (I've only taken it once, and I'm planning to take it again, but here are the first scores:)</p>

-W:610 (I know, ick, and I want to be a freaking writer, too. damn)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.5 U
-Dance classes 4 days a week, 4 hours a day (since 4th grade)
-Dance competition team
-editor of literary magazine at school
-founder and host of a podcast
-French club, Drama club, Interact club, Math club- member
-school newspaper- reporter
-NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month participant/winner
-two jobs:
-secretary at corporate office (summers)
-server/hostess at local cafe (all year)</p>

<p>So, I was wondering what my chances were at:</p>

<p>Dickinson (my first choice)
UMass Amherst
Hampshire College
and Amherst</p>

<p>I know it's a lot, sorry.

<p>swathmore and amherst are pretty out of the question right now, but if you retake the sats, you cuold have a shot. id say hampshire and dickinson are good matches, with umass amherst a slight safety. good luck!!</p>

<p>yeah- amherst/swarthmore are my, "ehh, what the hell" reaches. I'm glad about Dickinson- it's been hard getting a good feel about how easy/difficult it is to get into.

<p>yeah, the SAT writing killed me too.. i want to be a writer too haha</p>

<p>i'm no expert, but i'd say you have a chance at all the schools.. amherst and swarthmore are reaches, but dickinson seems like a good match</p>

<p>I don't think I'm qualified to chance you, considering I have a chance thread of my own right now. But I would hardly call you a "normal kid." Your SATs are far above average, and you have a lot of ECs. So even though I can't help you out with those colleges, I figured I could offer moral support.</p>

<p>i really like your list of schools. you have safeties, matches, and reaches that work for you. </p>

<p>i think you have a good shot at dickinson. allegheny will be a safety for you because i had much lower numbers and came away with a very nice merit scholarship. it's a great school for an english major - you could, under the approval of an advisor, actually compile a novel as your senior capstone project. hampshire is the hippiest out of your schools, again great for the english/creative writing major. that's a nice match. </p>

<p>apply to tulane as early as possible since they had soooo many applicants last year. they had 100 percent more than they did the year before or something crazy like that. </p>

<p>if you like dickinson, take a look at ursinus college in collegeville, pa (j.d. salinger went there and they have a creative writing scholarship) and franklin and marshall college in lancaster</p>

<p>the writing section screwed me royally - i had a 12 on the essay yet only got a 640 because i apparently cannot correct sentence errors. lmao.</p>

<p>Rhodes'll be tough for you as well with that writing score. Retake it!</p>

<p>And obviously amherst and swarthmore are longshots, but you know that :)</p>

<p>I would retake your sats to improve your chances. Writing is said to be the easiest thing to improve. And since you have a passion for writing, i think if you studied over the summer a bit you can improve your score.</p>

<p>I think you're good for your first choice college, Dickinson.</p>

<p>"swathmore and amherst are pretty out of the question right now"</p>

<p>A bit harsh don't you think? There are ALWAYS exceptions. Since you want to be a writer, i'm sure you're prolific at the subject so you're essays would/should be really good. But you still have a chance!</p>

<p>if you like writing consider indiana?</p>

<p>wow- thanks for all the replies, this is awesome.
God- I am so relieved about Dickinson- I thought at first it was a bit of a reach, and I'm ridiculously happy it's more of a target. (From what I can tell, having only visited it vicariously through online tours and forums, I LOVE Dickinson. :D)
-Lasercat: Allegheny is a def. safety for that exact reason- their awards are really impressive! And that's fantastic about the novel- I didn't know that! I wish they put that sort of thing front and center, it could really end up tipping my decision.
Also- I'll check those out, I haven't even heard of the second! XD
-Stella: aww, thanks for the support. I really need it- this college thing is turning out to be more stressful than I imagined. Good Luck! :D
-Hookum- Rhodes is sort of a 'meh' school for me, I'm applying because my parents would appreciate me staying down South, (I live in Alabama... let the redneck jokes begin. XD), and the app fee is $0. But I agree- I def. need to retake it, hopefully I can boost all of my scores a bit.
-Hester: I haven't even considered it, but I'll check it out, thanks</p>

<p>-Everyone else: thanks! you guys are fabulous!</p>


<p>dude?! $0 APP FEE? I'll apply just for fun haha.</p>

<p>how hard are your courses?</p>

<p>i don't need to know the answer to that question to say that you're in at allegheny and umass</p>

<p>break 2000 and i think you'll have a very good shot at dickinson</p>

<p>sweet- I'm going to try for a 2150.
That seems like a nice number to shoot for. XD
I'm on honors diploma, and I have basically all AP courses, exept for Independent Study, (a gifted class)
I've taken APs, but I don't know my scores yet.</p>

<p>thanks guys...
yeah this is a bump, but it's an apologetic bump.