<p>Hey, I wrote two 'perfect' essays not under timed conditions but to the length of a normal SAT essay. I wrote this under timed condition with a bit of editing after finishing up. Pretty mediocre compared to my two 'perfect' essays but would this score a 10/11?</p>
<p>Are people too willing to agree with those in charge?</p>
<p>When cursed with incompetent or tyrannical leaders and oppression, mankind is well-known for its seditiousness and strength to challenge authority. During the Russian Revolution and SpartacusÂ’ rebellion, humans have proven to be belligerent against despotic and incompetent leaders.</p>
<p>The Romans, notorious for their sadistic delight in watching gladiator fights, have been subjected to numerous insurrections during their reign. The most-well known rebel Spartacus rounded up fellow slaves and gladiators to stand up against the Romans for oppressing him despite his fame as a gifted gladiator. He proved to be an inspiring hero and the center of reverence to the oppressed. Although he was eventually defeated and killed in battle while the survivors were crucified, they held onto their pride until their very last moment, happy about fighting for their freedom and refusing to be tormented. Regardless of his defeat and death, Spartacus cemented his reputation as a hero who fought bravely for his freedom while refusing to be a victim of Roman sadism. Spartacus inspires people to this day to stand up against despotic authority and reminds people that it is better to die as a free man than to live as a slave.</p>
<p>The most violent revolution in history, the Russian Revolution not only permanently changed the face of Russia but proved to the world that Russians do not concede to incompetence without a fight. Tsar Nicholas proved to be a poor leader who not only mortified the economy by indulging in the First World War, but also humiliated the country with countless defeats on the Eastern Front. Refusing to watch their country collapse, the Russian people rebelled against the emperor with assistance from the military that also scorned the emperor. As a result of their stark tenacity, they were successful in usurping the government and establishing a Socialist state that would go on to be a world superpower for the next seventy years. If they had not chosen to stand against the emperor, Russia would most likely have remained weak to this day and never have become the superpower nation it was for seventy years. The Russian Revolution reminds people that it is better to challenge authority when it is held by the weak than to do nothing and watch as they are lead in a substandard manner.</p>
<p>During times when authority is held by the weak or incompetent, humanity has proven itself to be belligerent and prone to insurrection against authority. As witnessed from two highly violent historical events, people are willing to take extreme measures to better their country or simply for their freedom.</p>