Essay Prompt

<p>Hello fellow CCers,</p>

<p>What three examples would you guys use for the following prompt:</p>

<p>"Why do we not value the creative arts more than we do? Why are subjects like music, drama, photography, and creative writing always the first to be cut from school budgets during hard times? Many would answer that, unlike math, science, history, and other subjects taught in school, the arts are unnecessary. But this is so untrue. The arts are as necessary as these other subject areas -- possibly even more necessary." </p>

<p>Assignment: Is it absolutely necessary for people to study the creative arts?</p>

<p>I hate when I cannot answer these prompts with literary or historical examples... help!</p>

<p>That’s because you don’t HAVE to use historical or literary examples. For this one, I would go with the music/ movie industry and how they are lucrative and popular…with some examples like avatar or eminem . I would use my personal accounts, like how art gives me solace. </p>

<p>If you want to use historical…you could use the renaissance art and artists like da Vinci or Michelangelo…</p>

<li>Historical era - Renaissance (rebirth of the cultural arts & applied science, math, etc to the arts)</li>
<li>Just say “In a recent New York Times article, scientists have proved that students who study the musical arts scored higher on standardized tests in math and reading.” Then go on about how the art fosters the youth and creates more well-rounded beings. <– Make the grader believe that without art, there’s no creativity and well rounded individuals.</li>
<li>Honestly, for the third example, I would run out of ideas too. So I would just use Glee (LOL) and how they learned to improve in life and friendships, etc. through music. Or I would just make up a personal example. </li>

<p>Let’s just hope we don’t get something like that tomorrow!</p>

<p>I am really stressing over the SAT and essay, but this topic seems really easy for me.</p>

<p>Historic: Gilbert Stuart, one of the best-know portrait painters. – Famous for his George Washington portraits, but painted other Presidents as well. Plus, Adams only allowed him to paint [Adams].</p>

<p>Personal: Something about how being exposed to creative arts gives a different outlook (i.e. makes you see the world differently/hear things differently/deal with life differently) </p>

<p>Literary: This one’s tough… Possibly an example based on the work of a playwright? Not exactly fitting, though…</p>