Question about ETAM. If I understand correctly, students apply to their specific major in the spring of their freshman year. My question is about course registration that spring for the coming fall: do they register for classes in their first choice major? Or do they not register until results of ETAM are released (i.e. summer) ?

@EagleMomma that’s a good question. My son is about to go through it. I’ll ask him if he knows anything.

@EagleMomma For my son who is class of 2021, the first opportunity for ETAM was spring of his freshman year, however that has changed for the class of 2022. For those kids it depends of what math class they started in; if they started in 151 then it is the spring, if they started in 289 or 150 then it is their 3rd semester.

For course scheduling in the spring, you try to make a schedule during the pre-scheduling period that best matches your first choice major, however most if not all of those classes are restricted to students already in the major so whether your student can do that is just dependent on the major. General Engineering advisors cannot force you into classes but major specific advisors can. My son talked to his first choice major’s advisor and was forced into the classes he needed because there really was nothing left for him to take since he had so much AP credit for core classes already accepted and his stats were high enough that the advisor thought he would get in anyways.

If you cannot schedule the classes you need however it isn’t really a problem because the advisors of the engineering majors anticipate this and hold sections for after ETAM is finished. Some majors will work with the kids individually over the summer and change their schedules, other majors will let them duke it out for spots when open registration starts again at the end of the summer when they open the new sections.

My son was an auto admit so was guanteed his first choice of majors but couldn’t register for his major classes until he was admitted to bmen. Once this happened, his advisor put him in all of the classes that he needed. It was a very smooth process for him.

Thank you for the above. My son will be in the above situation in April and he will have some idea how to proceed!