Thanks to my hair stylist - my newest discovery. Works wonderfully and I don’t have to be embarrassed going out the week before my hair appt.
I use a product by Joan Rivers (RIP), that she used to make her hair look thicker but also conceals roots between coloring.
I get mine from QVC when they have specials.
@emilybee - I just ordered one from Amazon. It is $3 cheaper with free shipping (Prime).
I got mine at the hair salon. Have no idea what she charged me as I bought a few other products and had my hair cut & colored. I used it for the first time yesterday and just thrilled with how well it works. One piece of advice - don’t press too hard on the nozzle.
Another batch of perfect eggs… made in the thing. So far, no explosions, just one egg with a cracked shell, but it was edible and peelable.
Well, I waited to see if someone brought up eggs. Oddly, last batch, I added 30 seconds (7 minutes.) And this time, the yolks were slightly under-cooked. I can live with the “Who knows?”
OK, my microwave died last week. Just wouldn’t start. So I head off to Sears to buy a replacement. Old microwave was 1000 watts. New one is 1100 watts. Eggs cook even better with a 7 min heat / 2 min wait in the new microwave than the old one … BUT… whenever I cook eggs in the new microwave, the top of the egg cooker slides off or even falls all the way off before the end of the cooking cycle. Probably between 5-7 minutes. So I’m thinking there must be a greater build up of pressure from the steam inside, because the water probably starts boiling sooner… but not sure what I can do. So far, no exploding eggs --but I’ve got to watch it carefully and today I had to open the oven mid-cycle to replace the top. And yes, I am doing the best I can to make sure that the top half is set on firmly before I start.
I may try to do a run at 90% power next time around.
try the 90 power.
I really wish the lid had some sort of snap clamps…I haven’t had any trouble but I have another micro thingy that has these snap clamps
At last, a cart that can go up or down stairs, yet folds flat! I have no personal experience (or financial interest) with this, but think it’s cool!
Well, as long as we’re talking eggs … let’s see: microwave - 1200w. I follow directions for soft-boiled - 5 minutes + 2 and it works perfectly. I’m still trying to figure out hard-boiled: 8 minutes + 2 - not cooked enough; 8 minutes + 3 - still not cooked enough; 9 minutes + 3 - cooked enough but 2 of the four eggs cracked and leaked somewhat.
I actually like the gadget despite not quite perfecting it yet. I think partly I need to adjust timing because I buy extra-large eggs. I get closer each time. I’m thinking next time I’ll try 8 minutes + 5 or maybe 8.5 + 3. I’ll eventually figure it out but welcome suggestions.
The cart looks great! It should come with removable wheels so you can interchange the regular one for the beach model.
Has anyone tried this?
The cart looks like a great gift for elderly in-laws. Thanks!
I have one which is similar. Cart is not so great depending on stair slope and width. You still have to basically lift the cart to next step. Easier to grab your stuff and carry.
This came up on my FB feed: and I thought of this thread’s egg cooker A gadget “scrambles” a raw egg while it’s still in its shell.
My husband saw something similar on TV using hose or tights. Here are some instructions.
Has anyone tried this? I thought it would go great with the egg cooker!
@Happy2Help , nah, I get a certain satisfaction out of cooking my scrambled eggs the old-fashioned way.
Yes but soft/hard cooking such an egg will make it all yellow, not white and yolk separately, when you peel it!
So are you suggesting scrambling then microwaving the egg in the shell…so you crack it and get scrambled eggs? That would be something to see!
Well, it won’t look like typical scrambled eggs. It will look like a hard-boiled egg that is solid yellow.