<p>Hi CCers.</p>
<p>So my stepmother is awful. There is simply no other way of putting it. She and my dad have been married for 5 years now, and I can't handle her anymore. My dad is fortunate to have a very nice house. She only uses him for his money and calls his secretary daily to transfer more money to her. Now, I can deal with gold digging if my dad doesn't mind it, but what I can't deal with is how unsafe she makes my siblings and I feel. First of all, she is a psychopath and compulsive liar. It was not until after three years of marriage that we discovered that she lied about her upbringing, her college degree, her income, her daughter's age, and her number of previous marriages (my dad is her 4th. She said he was his second before). How she manipulated him into staying with her I do not know, but she is still here. And on top of that, she has threatened my sister and me, tries to sell our possessions, searches our rooms daily and emails/texts my father about her findings, trashed my closet and ruined my Christmas presents, ripped my sister's clothes, and has done other disturbing things such as screaming at my sister to move her car so that she could take a picture of a plant (no, she is not a photographer). She has no job and spends her time screeching at the cats, shopping, ruining my things/searching my room, and watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta. I seriously feel violated, terrified, and unsafe in my own house. My dad will not listen to anything I or anyone else in the family says, and gets angry and defensive when I voice concerns. He says that because the economy sucks he cannot afford legal fees to divorce her, but I know he's lying. I stopped living with him from September to December because of her. Now that I have been living with my dad for awhile again, things are terrible. I can't even talk to or trust my dad anymore.</p>
<p>I don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone have a similar situation and/or any advice for me? Thank you for reading my long boring rant.</p>