Extension for Premier Scholarships

Long story short, I did not see until today that I was invited to apply. It was due Jan 4. I sent an email and I will call tomorrow afternoon, but how likely is it that they will allow an extension for me? TIA.

What did they say? I see so many things go to spam folders that we are checking those now too.

Initially they said no but I was able to contact the woman in charge directly, I wrote her a thorough letter and she extended it for me until this Saturday night.

Sweet! Good luck @cbs1211

That’s great for you! Good luck!

Any EA applicants who received invitations to scholarship weekend? Trying to check if they sent out all invitations or only for the ED pool.

don’t they announce admissions first?

I would think so, but not sure…

My son was EA and got the invite for premier. I heard all invites were sent. He got that and still hasn’t heard on admissions like all the other EA.

@ufalumn1997, can you tell me where you heard about all invites being sent already? In another thread @vistajay posted the timeline of her son receiving premier invites and it was after the EA acceptance last year. They could have have changed their sequence, but hope not…

When did your son receive his invite? Because in the past the scholarship invites came out several days before admissions. If the invitations came out today that tells me admissions will be Friday late afternoon.

The email was sent Dec 28. It said he would know final status by the end of January. Still no EA acceptance though.

Someone in another thread said they called admissions and were told all premier invites were sent. I don’t know for sure, but my son is an EA applicant and got the email on Dec 28 prompting him to submit another essay.

It sounds like they have changed things. They identified a weekend for scholarship weekend if he was a finalist. Just one weekend listed and I had heard years past there were 3 weekends to choose from.

@ufalumn1997, your son received the scholarship weekend invite in December? Did it ask him to rsvp by a particular date?

@Reelp0310 The email in December prompted him to send another essay in with a prompt. They said that he would know by end of January if he was a recipient. If a recipient they said he would be invited to scholarship weekend and they provided the dates. Said they would give more details about the weekend at the time of notification.

@ufalumn1997, oh ok I understand now. I wish him the best of luck and I hope he gets both the invite and scholarship!!! Fingers crossed ??

@Reelp0310 I just called U Miami admissions and they said that Early Action applicants will be getting their invite to Scholarship weekend at the same time they get their admissions decision, which will be late Jan-Early Feb. So you are not out of the running yet. What @ufalumn1997 said is probably referring to ED1. I have to admit I kinda had a mini-heart attack reading that.

My son is EA. He heard in December he was a finalist for the premier and was prompted to submit an essay.

He has the president’s in the email today…not sure about premier yet. He hasn’t gotten admission decision yet either…so weird.

@student1151 Thanks appreciate the info ???

Got an email today to check portal but nothing there. Pulling my heartstrings lol

Same in our house! Spent 15 minutes refreshing the CaneLonk message board before giving up. A real nail biter!