Extremely desperate!!! HELP PLZ

<p>I just dropped AP psychology for normal statistics...was this a good move?
im not gonna apply to ivy league top schools but normal ones like UIUC, Rutgers, Indianna
and ive already taken one psychology course, and felt unworthy of spending doing the same thing this year. I have only AP Comp Sci, AP Economics Micro/Macro, and AP Enviromental science as my AP courses. Will this change of course affect my admission???</p>

<p>Plus this is my record of classes:</p>

<p>8th Grade

<p>9th Grade
English 9
French 2
Algebra 2
Developing Nation

<p>10th Grade
Ceramics 2
20th Century World History
Video production
English 10

<p>11th Grade
AP computer science- (i got good grades but got a 1 on the ap...)
Business Math
Graphic Design</p>

<p>12th Grade
AP Enviromental Science
AP Economics
AP Pyschology --> dropped/ replaced with Normal Statistics...--> should i undo the move
English 12
Electronics </p>

<p>I currently have a 3.4 and i believe ill get an easy A for statistic while ill really have to work hard for AP psych cause its on the same day as APES which requires lots of memmorization. Plus i have PE before AP Psych, and i tend to be sleepy and tired from time to time. But im extremely involved in after school activites like student council, soccer, MUN, etc,etc and with college Apps the workload is pretty serious... what should i do? Ive dropped AP psych but i kinda regret the move since it might affect my admission</p>

<p>P.S i have a 1790 on my SAT, but ill raise it to a 1900...if this will help... And my major is undecided but im interested in economics, business, and communication programs...</p>

<p>What should i do ?????drop it / take it/ undo it?</p>

<p>why did you never take calculus even though you could have as a junior?</p>

<p>i didnt do so well in math, and i lost confidence in myself, and lost interest in mathematics… but would this too affect me???</p>

<p>bump bump bumper cart</p>