FA requirement for Eng'g Majors

<p>Seeing the other thread about FA 200 course got me thinking. Does anyone have this problem: when I go into DegreeWorks, it shows that S has already satisfied his H/L/FA requirement by CLEP test, which gave credit for SP 101, 102, 201, and 202. But when I go into the “What If” worksheets, it shows that he still needs to complete 3 of the H/L/FA credits because only SP 201 and 202 were applied. What gives? At first, I thought it was because I plugged in a math minor, just to see what would happen…but when I took it out and just looked at his major (Aero Eng’g), it still says he needs 3 credits of H/L/FA. In the DegreeWorks, Planner section, however, it shows he has satisfied it. Has the H/L/FA req changed for eng’r majors recently? Or what am I missing? The last thing S needs right now is to fit in yet another elective, given his major.</p>

<p>Can you indicate how he’s fulfilled the below eng’g core? (and does his eng’g discipline have any specific FA or other req’t?..and were SP 101 and 102 applied to the last req’t? If so, shouldn’t two C courses covered that?)</p>

<p>Nine semester hours of humanities (HU), literature (L) and fine arts (FA) area courses. A six-hour discipline depth study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, and FA or HI and SB. There are no mandatory general education requirements for literature or fine arts, except as required for a specific engineering program.</p>

<p>Nine semester hours of courses in the areas of history (HI) and social and behavioral sciences (SB). A six-hour discipline depth study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, and FA or HI and SB.</p>

<p>Either six hours of foreign language (FL) or computer (C) are required in addition to the humanities requirement. FL courses can count as HU credit if six hours of C courses are earned.</p>

<p>Just checked my son’s MyBama. </p>

<p>His Spanish credits are showing for 6 of his humanities credits (he has a total of 20 credits in Spanish now) and the other 3 are filled by his public speaking class which he took dual credit. Public speaking is a reqt of civil, is it a reqt for aero too? If so that will fill the remainder of the credits when he takes it.</p>

<p>For ME majors starting in 2013 the Computer core course is satisfied by Engr classes in the junior year. This flowchart has been invaluable for us understanding how to plan classes.</p>

<p><a href=“http://me.eng.ua.edu/files/2011/09/ME_Flowchart_Fall_2013.pdf[/url]”>http://me.eng.ua.edu/files/2011/09/ME_Flowchart_Fall_2013.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I apparently can’t get onto Degree works tonight. I will check again tomorrow. </p>

<p>Aero-Eng’g major does not require public speaking.
Aero-Eng’g has it’s own flowchart, but it will not show how/which courses are applied - only Degree works can show that.<br>
His major-specific computer and writing reqs will be satisfied by Jr/Sr year courses, yes.</p>

<p>In DW, his HU/L/FA + depth study are both satisfied by SP 101, 102, 201, 202 (totaling 14 hrs there). His HI/SB is satisfied by PYSCH, SW, ECON (totaling 9 hrs). I just don’t get why the “what-if” planner shows that he still needs 3 more HU/FA credits, and also why only 6 hrs have been applied (i.e., 2x3-hr classes, not even 2x4-hr classes, such as SP 101 and 102). Curious. I’ll probably end up ringing the advisor. OOOOOOOO, watch this space…</p>