HU/L/FA Requirements

<p>I may have to call on this, but my son is required to take 9 credits with the HU/L/FA attribute. Does this mean he needs one course in each attribute or could he, for example, take 9 credits of FA? Is there any restriction that says you can’t take more than 1 or 2 courses with the same attribute to get credit?</p>

<p>In the same vein - my son has 3 credits in an Honors FA course. Can he take a second 3 credit Honors FA course and have it count 1) towards honors credit and 2) towards FA (attribute) credit or is there a restriction that says you can’t have more than 1 honors FA course to count towards honors credit?</p>

<p>Would love for him to be able to take a second UH Fine Arts course and knock off the honors credit and FA attribute at once - but he has already taken one Honors FA course.</p>

<p>Can you plus courses into DegreeWorks and see what requirements are satisfied using the What If scenarios?</p>

<p>Which college is he in? I think if he’s in Arts and Sciences that he’s req’d to have at least 3 credits of Lit (L) and 3 credits of Fine Arts (FA), but the last 3 credits can be in any of the 3 categories.</p>

<p>If he’s in Eng’g, then the rules are different. No particular number of FA or Lit are req’d. </p>

<p>I don’t think there’s any restriction about the number of honors FA classes that can be used.</p>

<p>P.S…what is his sequence in? History from AP credits?</p>

<p>I think the answer depends on your son’s major…my son is a Business major and he is required to take 12 hours in HU and FA consisiting of at least 3 hours of Literature (EN 205-EN 210 or the honor course equivalent) and at least 3 hours of FA…the remaining 6 hours are to be chosen from either HU or FA. </p>

<p>Regarding the Honors portion of your question it is my understanding that it doesn’t matter which attribute the honors credits are taken in as long as they get the required # of UH honors and departmental hours…sorry if my answer is confusing but for example my son took a “freshman seminar” (which really should be called “1st year seminar” because so many of the kids come is as sophomore’s but they can take these) in both the fall and spring, both were UH 155 (Intl War Crimes and Jud Procd) so they counted as both UH honors and as Humnities credits…so he got 6 UH honors credits and 6 hours of Humanities. So his 12 HU and FA hours will be done after 1 FA and 1 Lit class…does that make any sense?? I didn’t mean to be confusing :)</p>

<p>OK, thanks…I’m going to review all this and try plugging into DegreeWorks (although I haven’t quite figured out how it works.) He is in engineering - so it sounds like there are fewer restrictions.</p>

<p>My engineering major son fulfilled all his HU/L/FA requirements using CLEP credits (Spanish). I can’t imagine why you couldn’t do the same with regular courses.</p>