General Education Reqts

<p>I’m having a little trouble interpreting some of the general education requirements under DegreeWorks. For instance, it states that everyone needs 3 Fine Arts credits, 3 Literature credits, and 6 FA/L/HU credits. Does having the first two satisfy the third, or do you need additional HU credits? Also, all the W classes seem to be at the 300-400 level. Does that mean we aren’t expected to take them freshman year? I just want to get this all straightened out so that I can get a smart schedule worked out.</p>

<p>"For instance, it states that everyone needs 3 Fine Arts credits, 3 Literature credits, and 6 FA/L/HU credits. Does having the first two satisfy the third, or do you need additional HU credits? "</p>

<p>For non-engineers:</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the humanities and fine arts (HU, L & FA) designations, to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the fine arts (FA) designation and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the literature (L) designation. Each student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history.</p>

<p>You need 12 hours. And the 6 credits for FA and L do count towards those 12 hours.</p>


<p>“Also, all the W classes seem to be at the 300-400 level. Does that mean we aren’t expected to take them freshman year?”</p>

<p>Those aren’t the Frosh Comp classes. You don’t usually take W classes freshman year. If you don’t have AP English credits, then you take Frosh Comp classes for FC credits.</p>

<p>6 semester hours of written composition (FC).
6 semester hours in 300- and 400-level courses, preferably in the student’s major, approved for the writing (W) designation. The (W) designation indicates that one of the conditions for a passing grade is that students write coherent, logical and carefully edited prose in a minimum of two papers, at least one of which will be graded and returned before midsemester. All (W) designated courses are taught and graded by instructors who have at least the master’s degree and preferably are limited to an enrollment of no more than 35 students. The (W) requirement must be satisfied with courses taken on this campus.</p>

<p>W courses are typically taken as juniors or seniors. Some majors require that the final W course be taken during the student’s final semester, ie GBA 490 for business majors. That said, most other gen eds/core curriculum requirements are typically completed within students’ first 2 years at UA or before they enter their college’s upper division, if applicable. </p>

<p>Courses cannot count towards more than one ore curriculum requirement. You will need 3 Literature credits, 3 Fine Arts credits, and an additional 6 credits from FA/L/HU courses. If you are in the Honors College, I highly suggest taking IHP 105 or IHP 155 as they count as HU courses and also count towards the required 6 UH hours.</p>

<p>You need to take 12 credits of FA/L/HU. Out of those 12 hours 3 must be in FA and 3 must be in L. The remaining 6 can be any combination of FA/L/HU.</p>

<p>You’ll generally take your (W) classes in your junior or senior year. Many majors have a mandatory class or two that will satisfy a (W) requirement.</p>