FA Tax Returns

<p>This is extremely vague: On the website, UR says they want the 2009 tax returns sent "directly to the office." *** does this mean? E-mail or snail mail, and if e-mail, to what address -- the FA counselor who covers my last name? And is this due by the 1st as well? (Which I am aware is today, sigh)</p>


<p>I emailed the one for my name if I remember correctly. So I emailed and asked and he said something like, “You may email them if you so desire. I will print the forms I need and delete the email.” I got the impression email is not their norm but they will take it.</p>

<p>I believe it is due today for Freshman applicants.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply! That is good news. I emailed the one for my name as well, but haven’t heard back yet. I think I’ll email him(or her, I can’t tell) the forms tonight just to be safe.</p>

<p>We faxed ours. My mother has mainly been covering the financial stuff. She said something about needing an ID or application number, but we ended up using my SSN instead. I sent an email to admissions about the number- they seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. Maybe my mother was just being silly…</p>