FA200 -Intro to Fine Arts - Engineering?

<p>I’d appreciate any info on the FA 200 Intro to Fine Arts course. There is a version for Engineering Majors only and a general version.</p>


<li><p>How time consuming is the class? The catalog has a blurb about community cultural events which leads me to believe it may require a lot of class time attending local events.</p></li>
<li><p>What is the difference between the Engineering version and general version?</p></li>

<p>Any other info would be appreciated.</p>

<p>I thought this was no longer being taught (the Eng’g version). WOW, they brought it back?! Super! I remember reading about this in an old thread. I’ll try to find it…</p>

<p>Yep, found it: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1398368-recommended-uh-courses-fulfill-core-requirements-2.html?highlight=fine+arts+engineering[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1398368-recommended-uh-courses-fulfill-core-requirements-2.html?highlight=fine+arts+engineering&lt;/a&gt;, post #19.
Glad to see this course is being offered again. It has been over a year without it, so I hope some ‘old-timers’ will chime in about their students’ experiences with the class.</p>

<p>years ago, engineering offered a GES drawing class. Is something like that still offered or is this the replacement?</p>

<p>There is no GES drawing class listed for current semester nor Spring 2014. The FA class for eng’g majors only was around years ago (and very popular, from the sounds of it). The way I read it, the FA 200 is NOT a replacement for GES drawing.</p>

<p>Adding info for those who do not have access to the catalog: Jessica Kidd is apparently teaching this FA 200 for Eng’g Majors again in Spring 2014! Montegut had some info on this in the above link (old thread), and can probably chime in again about the course logistics.</p>

<p>My son took this class, I believe freshman year. It was an intro to fine arts class, but his section was limited to engineering majors only. It was taught by a lady English teacher, Jessica Kidd, I believe. It was offered at least once since, as son recommended it to friends. Ms. Kidd had a baby and I think the class was not offered since. I am happy to hear it is back.</p>

<p>Since it’s for engineering majors, the reading selection is geared more towards their tastes, some science fiction, some poetry, and the Sandman graphic novel.</p>

<p>There was some creative writing, illustration, maybe a page in length. No big papers. The biggest thing son did was a film project with four students in the group. I think they did it on a Saturday on one weekend.</p>

<p>I don’t believe they had to go off campus for anything, or maybe once, because son did not have a car at the time, and didn’t have to hunt for rides for off campus requirements.</p>

<p>Son absolutely loved the class, and we were amazed to discover talents that we never knew he had. He met engineering majors that were older than him, and he enjoyed meeting kids that had been through the process that he was just starting out. He met transfer students from other schools, and even a member of the Bama baseball team. So, he met kids outside of his engineering/honors dorm that he otherwise would have never met or interacted with.</p>

<p>The class size was only 25 students, so it was small like an honors class, but it was not the heavy workload of the honors class. </p>

<p>I highly recommend the class, and I can’t wait to tell son that it is being offered again, as it was one of his favorite classes. </p>

<p>Good luck and have fun!</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback!</p>

<p>DS has open advising this week and is trying to weed down his schedule and knock out his FA/Humanities requirement. This looks promising!</p>


<p>This course capped at 35, but it dropped the restriction only for engineering students because the cap was not hit with just engineering. Jessica Kidd’s syllabus appears to mirror how it was taught in the past with a slant for the engineering majors and comic book lovers. </p>

<p>DS is loving the course</p>

<p>But, he is completely confused by a non-Eng upper classman who claims to have not purchased a book for any class in 3 years. </p>

<p>For Fall 2014, there are 2 sections of this class - 1 for Freshman only (taught by Barbara Brickman), and 1 for anyone (taught by Andrew Dewar). Registration says can hold 96 students in each section, so this is no longer a ‘small’ class.</p>

<p>Not sure what the reference to the upper classman w/ bought no books is, longhaul!?</p>

<p>I believe it is only Kidd’s class taught in Spring that is the small section for Engineer slant. capped at 35.</p>

<p>The reference to books is my son was shocked upperclassmen found ways around book buying - this interaction with upper classmen is helping my kid think out of the box for ways to save money, swap books and use on-line sources. </p>