Art Classes

<p>I was wondering if the Art classes, specifically 200 level, were for anybody who likes art, or if they’re more geared towards students who are actually very interested in art/ studying it. I like art and have room in my schedule, so I was considering taking an art class, but I’m not somebody who creates paintings in her spare time or is even good at it. I just thought taking an art class sounded fun, so I was wondering if anybody knew more info about them?</p>

<p>From my daughter, an Studio Art major: </p>

<p>The 200 level ART classes are available to those who aren’t Studio Art majors, however, most of them require you to have taken at least one of the 100 level classes, such as ART 110 (Drawing I) or ART 130 (Design I). One exception is ART 212, (Ceramics). The majority of the professors teaching the 100 and 200 level art classes don’t focus on talent, and instead focus on the effort you put and your desire to improve. </p>

<p>How about FA 200? Good feedback from this class from those who have taken it.</p>

<p>What is FA 200?</p>

<p>Fine Arts 200: “Introduction to Fine Arts”.</p>