Facebook reminder

<p>I have been writing recommendations for young ladies going through recruitment at Bama today and I just wanted to remind anyone who is considering recruitment that you need to MAKE SURE that your facebook page is cleaned up to the point that if your Grandmother creeped on your page she would not be shocked out of her false teeth! In fact it is ok to make your page private with just a great head shot of yourself…no boys, wild pics of crazy times ect. Many girls ask to friend girls whom they’ve met or talked to who are in sororities at Bama. Those girls then have access to all of your pics ect. and on top of that they can also see pics that you have been tagged in (sometimes not by your choice).
Panhellenic Preview weekend is just a couple of weeks away and many of you will meet lots of potential sisters while attending. Know this…those sororities will be looking to make sure that y’all are the sweet, darling girls that they met during this time. You certainly don’t want to portray a less than flattering image of yourself on Facebook.
My D is very involved in recruitment for her house and we were having a conversation about this today. We were reminiscing about this time last year and getting ready for Panhellenic Preview. She reminded me how we went through her Facebook page and made sure that there were not pics or comments that could be perceived in a negative fashion.
So…ladies ( and gentlemen as well)…Please make sure that the image you portray of yourself through social media is a positive.
Have fun a Panhellenic Preview and good luck with the recruitment process.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>SoccerGirlNYC likes this ^^</p>