Sorority Preview Weekend update

<p>For those of you going to Preview here is an update. Panhellenic has decided that sororities will not have and pre-recruitment events during the February 23rd Panhellenic Preview Weekend. The only event will be the all day Preview Event put on by Panhellenic on Saturday Feb. 23rd. Pre-recruitment invite parties will be held the weekend of March 16th. During that weekend each sorority will be allowed to have one party. Lots of changes this form years past. Also FYI the weekend of Feb 23rd will be “no contact” between sorority members and future PNMs except for the 10 minutes or so that the PNMs are on house visits. So if you know or are friends with girls who are current members your daughter is not allowed to visit with them during this time.</p>

<p>Any word on other “no contact” times or periods???</p>

<p>In the past “no contact” started on May 1st.</p>

<p>What are OOS girls supposed to do? Skip preview? Only go in in March? We are from CA …</p>

<p>^^^^ That is what I am now wondering???
We are to fly home to DFW from SLC on March 16 from our Spring Break ski trip.</p>

<p>Now wondering if it is even worth going to UA in February???</p>

<p>This splitting up at such a last minute really makes it hard on OOS girls.</p>

<p>Hard to say…at preview my D got to see each house and hear a blurb or two about each sorority. They didn’t mingle with the actives at most houses. But at the parties, she got to meet and have conversations with MANY actives and really SEE what each house was about. </p>

<p>We were out of state, but could make the 8ish hour drive to do both. The only problem with waiting to do the March date is, you never know if you’ll get one invite to a party or several. </p>

<p>I agree, it would be better to keep the weekends together. I do have to say that even though we jumped through every hoop, my D has met many girls who had a great rush that never attended any previews or parties. Don’t stress, if you can make either or both, it will be ok.</p>

<p>I would go to Preview…especially if you are OOS and have no experience with recruitment at Alabama. Panhellenic does a nice job with the program. You will also get to meet other girls who are going through recruitment in August. The visits to each of the sorority houses are short (10 minutes usually from start to finish). Some sororities show a brief video and then the recruitment chair speaks while other may have a member talk with the future PNM for just a few minutes but there will not be the bumping you would experience during actual recruitment. Also, in the past there were not door songs but girls do get experience Rho Chi groups. It is a long day but if you can attend I would go.<br>
As SMBradshaw said you do not know if you will receive invites to parties held during the March weekend. The sororities have been compiling “lists” of girls to invite since Nov/Dec. It’s pretty safe to say that if yo have been receiving “sorority mail”,notes, Christmas cards ect then you probably would receive an invite but nothing is a sure thing until the invitation arrives.
There are girls who do receive bids who do not attend Preview or Pre-recruitment parties. Remember you need at least 1 (I would get 2) recommendations for each house and you need to go through the process with an open mind, maximizing your options by attending all parties you are invited to and always listing all houses whose parties you attended.</p>