Failed UC APWE

So I failed the APWE and will have to take Writing 1 at UCSB. Will this make me behind? Should I take a community college course this summer or should I just take Writing 1 this fall?

Thank you.

You will behind by only 1 quarter since you will need to take Writing 1. It is up to you if you want to take a CC course in the summer to fulfill the requirement. You will need the grade/transcript for proof so you can continue on with your required writing/English courses so you may not be able to sign up for any of these courses Fall quarter depending upon when you have scheduled your orientation date.

@Gumbymom i will still be able to graduate in time correct? sorry for the dumb questions. also if i don’t go to orientation will it be difficult to register for classes? thank you

Is their a reason why you cannot attend orientation?
You would register for classes in September, so later than most Freshman which might be a disadvantage in getting your preferred classes.
Being 1 class behind should not impact your chances of graduating in 4 years. You always have the option of doing a few classes during summer session to catch up if needed.