Fall 2006 Admissions


<p>CoScience- Mathematics
SAT V- 570
SAT M- 800
soccer, boy scouts for 4 years
2.9 GPA- ~30%
From Jersey</p>

<p>omfg. i got in. and into the major i wanted.</p>

6 aps
4.0 uw
SAT verbal: 600
math: 710
writing: 610
top 10%
out of state maryland</p>

<p>some ecs...volleyball (4 years), yearbook editor, youth group, sga</p>

<p>college of architecture and urban studies
interior design baby!!!!!!!!!!! </p>

<p>i'm so excited. this is too cool. congrats to everyone.</p>

<p>congrats! w00t another person from MD got in!!!</p>

<p>yes! got into engineering!</p>

<p>take that horoscope</p>

<p>Offered Admission
HTM......now has to pick VT, COrnell, HOuston, UNLV, PSU, and JOhnson and Wales</p>

<p>lol christ, wannago. u applied to college park, right? if i didn't have to pay the extra 17k a year, i might have gone to umd cp</p>

<p>sup.. got in.. wooot!</p>

<p>3.7 1360 8 ap top 20%, and sports.. for business/finance</p>

<p>Decision: Offered Admission
Degree: BS in Business
College: Business
Major: Economics, Business</p>

<p>SAT Math 510
SAT Verbal 560
3.98 weighted gpa
3 AP's, 5 honors classes
Out of State</p>

<p>Decision: Offered Admission
Degree: Undeclared
College: Engineering
Major: General Engineering</p>

<p>SAT Math: 620
SAT Verbal: 670
3.85 weighted GPA
2 APs: US History, Physics B
Hispanic URM

<p>Decision: Offered Admission
Degree: BS in Biochem
College: Science
Major: Biochem/Sciences</p>

<p>SAT Math 800
SAT Verbal 600
4.71 weighted gpa
2 AP's, 4 IB's for classes

<p>Does anybody ever get in off of the waitlist? My d got waitlisted. I kind of don't see the point since they don't notify you until June 1st and then you've already paid close to 600.00 for another school that's accepted you. It doesn't seem fair, it is almost better to be rejected because now you are just waiting again for another 2 months to only be rejected or to forfeit a lot of money if you do decide to go to VT. I don't know my husband went there and we have season football tickets, but I'm not sure it's worth this?</p>

<p>got in!</p>

<p>3.7 GPA(uw) 4.5(w)
3 honors 7 AP
620 M
540 V (blah)</p>

<p>Biology major
College of Science</p>

<p>Hmm...thought I was sure about going to Penn State...now not so sure!
Penn State gave no financial help.
What's anyone's opinion?</p>

<p>Vt >>>>>> Psu.</p>

<p>VT...why? Just give a couple reasons. Whats Blacksburg like? Do alot of kids go home on weekends?</p>

<p>this is how I see it... if you're unsure about whether you want to come here to Virginia Tech, you should come down, visit, and get someone to show you around. Choosing a college is a major decision, so you want to get a feel for where you're going before next fall. </p>

<p>Virginia Tech is for some people, and it's not for others. Either you'll love it or you'll hate it. Like I said, you really should come visit...</p>

<p>hopeful nj, none of my friends go home every weekend. i live in richmond, and i only go home during breaks which i dont look forward to. i admit theres no pressure during break, but college is just so short that i would rather stay here</p>

<p>Accepted for Engineering:
Math 630
Verbal 540
Writing 630
2 AP tests so far, Calc AB 4, English Lang 3
SAT IIs Math 1: 670, Math IIc 690, Chem: 600
NHS, WInd Ensemble, Other random ECs
Maryland Distinguished Scholar Honorable Mention
GPA: 3.8, 4.4 weighted
taking 5 APs right now including Calc BC, European History, English Lit, French, and Chemistry
Taken around 15 G/T courses, which is like honors in other schools, that just how we roll in MD!</p>

<p>Out of state: Maryland</p>

<p>accepted for university studies </p>

<p>minority female</p>

<p>3.5 GPA</p>

<p>31 on my ACT</p>

<p>6 APs- Biology (4), English Language (4), US History (3), currently taking: English Lit, Calc AB, US Government</p>

<p>ECs-Soccer, Field Hockey, some academic and charity clubs</p>

<p>In-state tuition but I dont live in VA</p>

<p>I'm definitely goint to VT!! woohoo!!!</p>

<p>quakerOats, howd you get in state tuition?</p>

<p>well i lived in Virginia for 2 years (6-7th grade), and we kept the house there. we also made sure that we continued to pay taxes to the state. some schools didn't accept me as in-state though.</p>