Fall 2013 acceptance-spoke to UA Admissions

<p>My son just got off the phone with admissions. They will begin reviewing applications in 2 weeks. Announcements will begin the beginning of Sept. for all that have been wondering. I’m glad that at least we know.</p>

<p>Great to know, thank you! My daughter is so anxious!</p>

<p>It is hard to believe that is has been a whole year since we were where you are in this process. Last year, we found out the end of August. I know that because my son got his right after he started senior year classes. They told us September too- and that IS when the letter came. However, we figured it out online the last week of August, if I remember correctly. </p>

<p>Have a good year!</p>

<p>Thanks for checking! :)</p>

<p>Anxiously awaiting! Thanks for the update!</p>

<p>Happy to help! I know so many of us are in the same boat. We’re going to try to stay off Mybama for at least a week and then start checking again. DS is nervous and will be until we hear.</p>

<p>is there anyway to know if your SAT Scores and transcripts have arrived at the admission office?</p>

<p>Brookegarner13 - if you go to your myBama, there is a check application status button. When you drill down on your 2013 app, there will be a grid with the requirements. A received date will also be noted once they have it. It can take a few days for things to post.</p>

<p>Vlines is right.</p>

<p>You’ll be able to tell on MyBama before you actually get the acceptance letter. </p>

<p>Once a student is accepted, there will be additional tabs and links that suddenly appear on MyBama. There will also be a link to make deposits that will appear.</p>

<p>if you have the stats for honors, then the honors college app link will appear.</p>

<p>SAT/ACT dates on the “check status”</p>

<p>If the student took multiple exams, only one date shows on the check status. </p>

<p>We called admissions and was told both test scores arrived, but the new grid only can show 1 date for viewing.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything yet?</p>

<p>No. Check multiple times daily though…</p>

<p>I just pulled this up and when I saw that someone just posted I got excited LOL. I thought maybe someone had just found out. I guess not though. I found out that last year on Aug 22nd people started to find out. So just maybe we will find out this week. DS is really hoping to find out before starting school.</p>

<p>I saw another thread where someone had called admissions today and was told they started making decisions yesterday. So, yes, hopefully we’ll all be seeing new tabs by the end of the week. I’m actually curious as to how many kids have already applied.</p>

<p>My D actually joked about just skipping the rest of the school applications and going to UA if we find out this week.</p>

<p>Thank you Txdad13. You actually just gave me butterflies in my stomach! This is our first child so it is the first time we are dealing with the stress of college acceptances. I pray that all goes well for him since this is his #1 choice! I know if he gets in, he won’t want to apply to anywhere else either. As I posted before, it was Aug 22nd last year when students started seeing things on Mybama. Here is to hoping that goes the same dor tomorrow! My fingers and toes will be crossed!</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>In response to an email, undergrad admissions told me today that they are still working on some FALL 2012 admissions for TRANSFER STUDENTS and will turn to the fall 2013 applications in a few days after the students trying to transfer in NOW are takken care of…</p>

<p>Well if they have some late transfer apps to finish, then it makes sense that they have to do those now, since school starts today. lol</p>

<p>yep. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>The mybama site changed for my son! Appears he is in and now has the Honors App section :)</p>