Checking status

<p>Can someone please explain to me where to look and what to expect to see when there are updates (ACT score received, transcript received) to my son’s application?</p>

<p>Right now when I go to mybama and click on “check application status” all there is is the date it was created and an option to withdraw. Is this all I should expect for a while? Will I know when they receive and process his transcripts?</p>


<p>To the left of the Date Created column, there is also another column that says Admission Term. Under that it should say Fall 2013.
If you click on the Fall 2013 link it will give you an application summary with the dates that test scores and transcripts are receieved.</p>

<p>Ah! Thank you! Transcript not received yet. :o(</p>

<p>July can be a slowish month for some of these things to show. All the “admissions staff” aren’t on campus right now…some just work a 10 month year…and some are on vacation right now.</p>

<p>Perhaps they simply don’t understand that I want to know NOW!!! :o</p>

<p>When DD applied online, her HS in TX was not on the drop-down menu so she tried typing it in, but it didn’t “take.”</p>

<p>So we sent an email inquiry and have had TWO responses in as many days…first said they would input it manually and the SECOND saying they HAD inputted it manually(and indeed, the HS name now shows on the app summary.)</p>

<p>Pretty darn quick for a partial summertime staff!!! I am, as is usual w/UA, impressed. RTR</p>

<p>Does anyone know how to change your major on your application after you have sent it in? My son tried emailing admissions and they responded that you could do it on mybama but we don’t see anywhere to do that.</p>

<p>Yes, you can do it on MyBama, but I think you have to be admitted first for those tabs/links to show up.</p>

<p>I think it’s found on the Academics tab, down the left column…but that tab isn’t present until acceptance (I think)</p>

<p>Would it be a problem for you if he changed it after acceptance?</p>

<p>Hi everyone, I am new to the board as far as posting but have been reading on here for a few months. I have a question as far as how long it will take to find out. My son’s scores had already been sent. His school mailed out his transcripts on Friday, July 6, and he filled out the online application on July 9th. We now have his Mybama account set up and as of today everything is now in their hands. (I love that it shows what dates everything gets processed!) Will we still be waiting into Aug to get a response? This is the first time we have done this and we are all on pins and needles! Thank you everyone!</p>

<p>July 6th Application completed
July 23rd Scholarship app completed
August 22nd Acceptance received via My Bama
August 22nd Completed Honors College App
August 27th Acceptance via mail (with nice certificate and car window cling)
September 29th Rec’d Honors College Acceptance
October 1st Paid Freshman and Housing deposits
October 20th Rec’d letter from Dr Witt on Presidential Scholarship (the unofficial letter)
November 10th Private Honors college visit
November 11th Attended University Days
November 26th The IRON BOWL
March Official letters started coming
April 12th Dorm room selection (1st day, 1st time)</p>

<p>Hope this helps!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Thank you, it does really help! I’ll be honest, I was hoping since they had input all of his things so quickly I thought just maybe we’d find out sooner. :slight_smile: I guess in the mean time we will just keep fingers and toes crossed!</p>

<p>DD applied as soon as the app was available and ACT scores were sent directly in April. The only thing missing for weeks has been her transcript.</p>

<p>Just so others have a guideline as to how long it takes to process transcripts, HS mailed the transcript on July 2 - it was posted this afternoon to her myBama account.</p>

<p>Chicagobear that is interesting because my D’s was mailed July 6th from Florida and posted July 13th.</p>

<p>It was funny - we checked mybama this a.m. and the transcript was still missing. Left a message with the HS registrar - she called in the p.m. and said they mailed it on the 2nd. Checked online after her call and it had posted during the day. Maybe someone was putting the incoming mail on top of the pile? Well, at least everything is in.</p>

<p>My sons stuff posted quickly. Test scores arrived in May. Then he had his school mail out his transcripts July 6th and they posted on Thursday the 12th. Application was done on Monday the 9th. So now we are in limbo just waiting for an answer. I swear we check 20 times a day even though from what I have read it will be several weeks. I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve!</p>